Boost Sales Productivity: The Ultimate Tools Guide for 2024

Selling isn’t getting any easier these days. Between complex sales processes and demanding customers, it’s tougher than ever to meet quota. Thankfully, sales productivity tools can give your team the extra edge they need to excel.

This guide will explore the diverse range of applications available to make your sales organization more efficient and effective. From automatically capturing information to predicting the best next actions using AI, today’s sales tech landscape offers amazing capabilities to amplify performance.

We’ll dish on what tools leading sales teams rely on daily across CRM, email, meetings, and more. You’ll learn smart ways to combine tools into optimized sales stacks tailored to your unique workflow. Read on to enable your reps to achieve sales excellence through productivity power-ups!

Types of Sales Productivity Tools

The sales tech landscape today is rich with different types of tools targeting various parts of the workflow. Let’s explore the most common categories:

Lead generation tools

Lead generation is the first and most critical step of the sales process. These tools help you identify, qualify, and capture new potential customer contacts to fill your pipeline.


UpLead is an excellent lead generation and prospecting platform. Its key features include:

  • Robust company and contact search to build targeted lead lists.
  • Auto-verification of email addresses and phone numbers.
  • Technographic filters to find companies using specific technologies.
  • Lead and account scoring to gauge sales readiness.

UpLead seamlessly integrates with your CRM and sales workflows. Customers particularly like the quality of leads generated.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator leverages the world’s largest professional network for social selling. Important capabilities are:

  • Detailed lead and company profiles for personalization.
  • Tracking of lead activities and notifications of profile updates.
  • Saved search alerts when new prospects matching your criteria appear.
  • InMail messages to reach out to people outside your network.

For B2B sales, LinkedIn’s depth of information and selling features are invaluable.


Octoparse is a powerful web scraping tool to gather targeted B2B contacts at scale. Benefits include:

  • Prebuilt scraping templates for many popular websites including LinkedIn.
  • Customizable extractors to pull any data from webpages.
  • Automated scheduling of scrapes.
  • Options to export results in multiple formats.

If your lead generation requires data harvesting from websites, Octoparse is up to the task.


Picreel helps generate more leads through exit-intent popups on your website. Features that make it effective are:

  • Beautiful readymade templates for popups.
  • Option to target popups by page type, URL, and visitor activity.
  • Integration with 700+ marketing and sales tools to send leads downstream.
  • Detailed analytics on performance of each popup.

Picreel provides a self-service solution to capture more of your website traffic through popups.


Bombora provides cutting-edge intent data to identify businesses showing increased interest in solutions like yours. Key capabilities include:

  • Analysis of content consumption patterns across the web.
  • Company Surge® scores to reveal accounts with rising intent.
  • Segments to group accounts by attributes like location, industry, tech stack.

For ICs and companies in competitive markets, Bombora’s intent data can pinpoint the ripest targets.

Lead enrichment tools

Once leads are captured, lead enrichment tools add more data to each profile so they can be qualified faster.


Clearbit is a popular choice to augment leads with additional information at scale. You can:

  • Append 100+ field types from Clearbit’s database instantly.
  • Match contacts and accounts from LinkedIn, Twitter, and more.
  • Update leads in real-time when new data is found.
  • Leverage Clearbit’s data within your workflows and reporting.

With enriched data, you can segment and engage leads more effectively.


Mystrika offers lead enrichment capabilities on top of its core strength as a cold email platform. Key features include:

  • Appending of professional email addresses and direct dials.
  • One-click LinkedIn profiles addition using name and company.
  • Identification of fake or invalid data and updating of missing fields.
  • Flexible API integration into your tech stack.

Mystrika helps ensure your lead data is complete and up-to-date for successful outreach.

CRM platforms

Customer relationship management (CRM) systems are the central hub for managing leads and customers. They track all interactions and activities to build long-term relationships.


Pipedrive is a sales-focused CRM platform loved for its simplicity. Notable features:

  • Customizable sales pipeline with built-in or custom stages.
  • Activity timeline on each deal showing calls, emails, notes etc.
  • Sales performance dashboards and insightful reports.
  • Email integration and click tracking.

Pipedrive provides an easy-to-use single source of truth for small to mid-size sales teams.


Insightly is a full-featured CRM designed for small to mid-market companies. Key capabilities:

  • Contact management with custom fields and tagging.
  • Task and pipeline automation for workflow efficiency.
  • Robust reporting across sales, leads, activities and more.
  • Integrations with email, calendar, marketing and sales tools.

The platform scales to match your growth and is highly customizable.

Zoho CRM

Zoho is a versatile CRM platform suitable for larger enterprises too. Notable features:

  • Multi-channel communication hub for calls, emails, live chat.
  • Campaign management and lead scoring.
  • Data analytics with prebuilt and custom reports.
  • Process automation for lead routing and assignment.

Zoho packs a wide set of capabilities for sales, marketing and customer support.


In addition to lead management capabilities discussed earlier, Mystrika also provides complete CRM functionality. It enables:

For cold email outreach, Mystrika’s first-party data and deliverability features make it a compelling CRM choice.

Scheduling and meeting tools

Automating scheduling eliminates painful back-and-forth with prospects. These tools make it easy to align on meetings quickly.


Calendly makes the meeting process extremely simple through its automated booking links. Benefits include:

  • Flexible meeting duration and schedule options.
  • Integration with calendars to show availability in real-time.
  • Confirmation and reminder emails to prospects.
  • Metrics on meeting performance – accept/decline rates, cancellations etc.

With Calendly, aligning meeting times with busy prospects becomes much easier.

Acuity Scheduling

Acuity Scheduling provides similar automated meeting booking capabilities. Standout features:

  • Mobile-ready booking links work great on any device.
  • Customizable booking forms to capture prospect information.
  • Waiting room to manage early arrivals.
  • Webhook notifications to third-party apps when meetings are scheduled.

Acuity Scheduling helps you reduce scheduling-related email clutter.

Email tools

Email is the workhorse of sales outreach. Specialized tools in this category boost productivity.


Salesflix transforms sales emails into trackable video messages for higher engagement. Key features:

  • Simple point-and-click interface to record HD video emails.
  • Detailed performance analytics on opens, play rate, and replies.
  • Email templates and customizable calls-to-action.
  • Lead capture forms to convert viewers into contacts.

For prospecting and sourcing, humanized video emails stand out in crowded inboxes.


Reply is an AI-powered sales email productivity tool. It enables:

For sales teams deluged by email, Reply is like having an assistant to optimize this channel.

Dialer software

Sales dialers automatically call through prospect lists and route conversations for efficiency.


Aircall is a cloud-based dialer solution loved for its simplicity. Key features:

  • Click-to-call from anywhere with virtual phone numbers.
  • Customizable IVR menus and smart call routing rules.
  • Real-time call analytics dashboard.
  • Integration with popular CRM, helpdesk and marketing tools.

For fast-growth companies, Aircall provides an easy way to scale calling capacity quickly.


CloudTalk offers a full suite of cloud telephony features beyond just dialing. These include:

  • Custom business phone numbers with vanity options.
  • Voice menus for personalized call flow management.
  • Call whisper with CRM screenpops for more context.
  • Flexible routing to departments, locations or specific agents.

CloudTalk makes it easy to project a professional image when calling customers.

Proposal creation tools

Proposals are sales documents with a huge impact on deal outcomes. Specialized tools help create polished proposals faster.


Proposify provides an end-to-end solution for visual proposal creation. Key features:

  • Beautiful readymade templates for all proposal sections.
  • Collaborative editing with sales team and approvers.
  • Auto-population of proposals from CRM using merge fields.
  • Analytics on proposal views, shares and downloads.

Proposify enables consistent branding while automating repetitive tasks.

Better Proposals

Better Proposals is another top contender in this space. Important capabilities include:

  • Import of existing documents to accelerate proposal creation.
  • Custom fields and conditional logic for personalization.
  • Role-based access and permissions for review workflows.
  • Audit trail showing proposal revisions.

Better Proposals empowers teams to create polished proposals faster together.

eSignature tools

Electronic signatures help get contracts and documents signed without paper. Leading options here are:


DocuSign pioneered the eSignature category and leads the pack. Salient features:

  • Drag-and-drop form fields for signature, text, checkboxes etc.
  • Bulk sending of documents for fast turnaround.
  • Progress dashboard tracking recipient actions.
  • Integration with popular document apps and CRMs.

DocuSign accelerates the agreement process through anytime, any device signing.

Adobe Sign

Adobe Sign tightly integrates into the Adobe document ecosystem. Key capabilities:

  • Apply signatures and annotations directly in PDFs.
  • Create forms and collect data via eSignatures.
  • Control document security permissions pre- and post-signing.
  • Audit trails with timestamps of signing activities.

For users of Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Document Cloud, Adobe Sign offers easy eSigning.

Analytics and reporting tools

Data-driven insight is crucial for sales effectiveness. These tools integrate data from sales and related systems to uncover trends and opportunities.


Klipfolio is a flexible real-time business dashboard platform. Benefits:

  • Connectors to 100+ business apps including Salesforce, HubSpot, QuickBooks.
  • Library of prebuilt sales metrics and reports.
  • Interactive visualizations including charts, graphs, and gauges.
  • White-label dashboards to match your brand.

For sales leaders, Klipfolio provides visibility into team performance.


Databox specializes in automated business reporting across all functions. For sales, it enables:

  • Unified dashboard tying CRM, email, calendar etc. together.
  • Customizable sales reports delivered via email and Slack.
  • Tracking of team quotas, pipeline velocity, close rates and more.
  • API access to reporting data for further analysis.

Databox saves hours of manual reporting work through its connected platform.

The wide range of sales tools profiled here reflects the diversity of needs in managing and optimizing the sales process. Rather than a single killer app, thoughtfully combining tools tailored to your workflows is key to boosting sales productivity.

Key Factors for Choosing Sales Productivity Tools

With so many sales tools and options available today, how do you pick the right one for your team? Here are the four most important considerations:

Integrations with existing tech stack

Most sales teams today use a variety of software across CRM, email, dialers, analytics etc. Before adopting any new sales productivity tool, it’s crucial to ensure seamless integrations.

Key questions to ask vendors:

  • Do they offer native integration with your CRM and other core platforms?
  • If not, do they have robust APIs to connect with different systems?
  • How easy is it to move data between the new tool and existing ones?
  • Can you unify workflows across tools or will they remain disjointed?

Lack of integrations is the top reason for low user adoption of new tools. Smooth data flow and single sign-on across your tech stack is vital.

For example, Bombora intently focuses on making its signals flow into major CRMs and sales engagement platforms through integrations and APIs. This avoids data silos.

Ease of use for sales representatives

The best sales productivity tools are intuitive with a quick learning curve. Clunky, complex UIs dramatically reduce user adoption.

When evaluating options, seek feedback from actual sales reps who’ll be hands-on power users. Watch out for the following red flags:

  • Too many clicks needed to complete common tasks.
  • Overloaded screens with tiny hard-to-read fonts.
  • NON-intuitive naming of functions and navigation elements.
  • Unclear help documentation lacking screenshots and videos.
  • Little customizability of views and preferences.

An example of a user-friendly sales tool is Pipedrive. Its highly visual interface is designed for simplicity. Features like drag-and-drop deal stages require minimal training. This drives rapid adoption across sales teams.

Adoption and change management

The best sales productivity software is useless if your team doesn’t actually use it daily. That makes change management and training crucial for driving adoption.

When rolling out new technology:

  • Set clear objectives on how the tool will impact sales outcomes.
  • Involve team leads and top reps closely in the vendor evaluation process.
  • Provide hands-on demos and proofs-of-concept for test drives.
  • Create customized training programs including videos, guides and job aids.
  • Highlight early user wins through contests and rewards programs.

Don’t view training as a one-time event – plan for continuous learning. For example, LinkedIn Sales Navigator’s Learning Hub offers a steady stream of bite-sized training content. This keeps users continually engaged.

Data privacy and security

Sales tools by definition gather a lot of customer data – emails, phone numbers, deal values etc. It’s imperative they have robust measures to secure this data against breaches, leaks or misuse.

Look for vendors who:

  • Store data in encrypted format with strict access controls.
  • Are compliant with regulations including GDPR, CCPA etc.
  • Offer single sign-on and multi-factor authentication.
  • Provide transparency with regular audits and certifications.
  • Don’t use data for any secondary purposes without explicit consent.

For instance, Mailshake explains its stringent data security practices upfront so users understand how their data is safeguarded.

No tool is useful if customers get alienated due to lax data practices. Treat this factor with utmost importance.

In summary, integrations, usability, adoption support and secure data handling are all indispensable factors when selecting sales productivity tools. Aligning on these upfront avoids painful and expensive mismatches down the line. The goal is to arm your team with tools that make their lives easier, not harder.

How to Implement Sales Productivity Tools Effectively

The road to sales tech adoption is littered with failures. Astonishingly, companies achieve only 39% of the expected ROI from sales technology investments, according to Aberdeen Group.

How do you beat these odds and ensure your shiny new sales tools actually get used? Here are proven strategies:

Set clear goals and metrics

The first step is aligning on specific objectives you want to achieve by adopting sales technology. Some examples:

  • Reduce time spent on manual data entry by 50%.
  • Shorten average sales cycle by 20%
  • Increase lead response rate by 30%.
  • Grow average deal size by 15%.

Quantifiable metrics create a benchmark against which you can track success. They also help secure executive buy-in for the investment.

For each goal, identify the specific tools you’ll implement. This ties objectives directly to solutions.

For instance, if faster lead outreach is a goal, Intent capturing tools like Bombora paired with engagement tools like directly support that.

Get buy-in from sales team

78% of salespeople admit to not using their CRM to its full potential, according to SuperOffice. This shocking underutilization happens due to lack of user buy-in.

To drive change, first identify sales challenges that resonate the most with reps:

  • Too much time wasted in manual data entry.
  • Juggling multiple systems and missing information.
  • Losing track of upcoming follow-ups and tasks.
  • Struggle getting holistic view of customer interactions.

Now illustrate how the new tools will directly alleviate these pain points:

  • Automated data capture from emails reduces manual entry.
  • Integrations provide a unified workflow across tools.
  • Calendar reminders and cues ensure no follow-ups slip through cracks.
  • Aggregated customer timeline gives a complete 360-degree view.

Early user advisory groups, demos and prototypes help build excitement pre-launch.

Provide sufficient training resources

Aberdeen research reveals sales reps who receive thorough training on new technology are 105% more likely to meet quotas than those with minimal training.

Training best practices include:

1. Instructor-led virtual sessions

Online training with interactive demos, use cases and expert guidance provides a strong foundation. Missions like DocuSign provide new joiners extensive eSignature training.

2. Job aids and quick guides

Create short-form help docs like one-pagers and checklists highlighting core workflows. Pipedrive’s guides simplify learning.

3. Cheat sheets

Handy reference cards with basics like navigation, menus, keyboard shortcuts and tips accelerate ramp-up. HubSpot’s CRM cheat sheet is a stellar example.

4. Self-paced modules

Short online lessons for busy reps to consume on-demand when needed. For instance, LinkedIn Learning paths like Improving Sales Productivity offer on-demand skill-building.

5. Reinforcement over time

Ongoing “sales enablement programs” with refresher courses, power user programs and lunch-and-learns sustain proficiency.

Monitor adoption and gather feedback

Once new sales tools are launched, track actual usage against goals. Comparison of before-and-after metrics will reveal the impact.

Analyze adoption by segments – are tenured reps more receptive than newer hires? Does tool effectiveness vary by selling scenarios?

Actively seek qualitative feedback on the user experience:

  • Which features do reps find most useful daily?
  • What workflows remain inefficient despite the tools?
  • How can onboarding or training be improved?
  • What gaps need to be addressed by new tools?

Ongoing fine-tuning of both tools and training is crucial based on user insights. For instance, DocuSign added AI capabilities based on feedback to auto-identify signature fields in documents.

Refine and expand utilization over time

With tools now entrenched into sales workflow, look to deepen usage maturity:

  • Drive power users – Identify and leverage reps showing the highest tool adoption to coach others.
  • Evangelize benefits – Publicize big team wins achieved through use of tools to highlight impact.
  • Expand to more roles – Equip marketing, customer success and other functions to maximize leverage.
  • Scale across regions – Roll out globally in a phased manner accounting for regional needs.
  • Add capabilities – Increase value by deploying complementary point solutions – telephony, payment processing etc.
  • Promote innovation – Encourage reps to discover new ways to utilize tools, share power tips internally.

By institutionalizing tools within the broader organizational fabric, their benefits multiply over time across teams, geographies and use cases.

In summary, a structured approach to sales technology implementation brings the odds of success in your favor. Combining change management best practices with rigorous measurement and iteration leads to optimal utilization at scale. When tools become truly interwoven into the team’s rhythms, accelerated sales productivity and effectiveness follows.

Powerful Combinations of Sales Productivity Tools

While individual sales tools have distinct benefits, smart combinations unlock even greater productivity. Let’s explore some of the most potent partnerships:

LinkedIn + Clearbit + Mystrika: Supercharge lead gen

Lead generation is foundational to sales success. This stack turbocharges sourcing quality leads.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator leverages 500M+ profiles for social selling. You can source leads based on advanced criteria like skills, share of voice, seniority etc.

Clearbit enriches these leads by appending hundreds of data points like emails, locations, social handles etc. This fills profiling gaps.

Mystrika provides deliverability tools to engage new prospects via cold email. Unique features like lead warmup and inbox rotation facilitate scaling outreach.

Together, this creates an end-to-end lead generation engine:

For B2B sales, this is a proven combination to build a robust lead pipeline.

Pipedrive + Zoom + DocuSign: Streamline deal closing

Converting leads into deals requires sales velocity. This stack accelerates opportunity management.

Pipedrive centralizes deals into an easy-to-use visual pipeline. It identifies key opportunities, next steps and bottlenecks.

Zoom makes aligning on meetings simple through one-click video calls and screensharing. This progresses deals faster.

DocuSign electronically gets documents signed in minutes versus days. You can quickly finalize contracts to close deals.

Together, the workflow is streamlined:

  • Pipeline visibility in Pipedrive to expedite deals.
  • Meetings instantly scheduled via Zoom keeping momentum.
  • Signatures obtained digitally through DocuSign for fast closure.

This cocktail helps sales teams rapidly progress opportunities to revenue.

Klipfolio + Slack: Data-driven team selling

In matrixed sales organizations, visibility into team performance is critical. This duo delivers actionable insight.

Klipfolio creates unified business dashboards across all apps and data sources. Sales leaders get single pane of glass visibility.

Slack enables real-time communication and collaboration across the cross-functional selling team.

Together, the flow of information is seamless:

  • Insights on sales metrics via Klipfolio dashboards.
  • Analysis of performance trends through Slack conversations.
  • Actions determined and tracked through Slack workflows.

For complex sales, this informs how teams can jointly progress opportunities.

The key takeaway is that thoughtfully combining tools creates solutions more powerful than the sum of parts. Assess gaps in your workflow, identify priorities and stack together purpose-built applications. This amplifies the improvement in sales productivity beyond what any single tool can deliver.


The wide variety of sales productivity tools today matches the diversity of steps and workflows in the sales process. This guide provided a comprehensive overview of the category so you can make informed decisions. Let’s recap the key highlights:

Key takeaways on sales productivity tools

  • Sales productivity combines both effectiveness and efficiency. Tools target both variables through automation, insights, and org-wide view.
  • Leading categories span lead generation, CRM, meetings, email, dialers, analytics and more. Each improves specific workflow pain points.
  • Thoughtful tool selection requires assessing integrations, usability, training and security considerations upfront.
  • Phased implementation focused on user adoption and robust analytics maximizes leverage over time across the sales organization.
  • Combining complementary tools creates powerful stacks that accelerate outcomes greater than individual apps.
  • With the right sales technology foundations, teams can systematically achieve more revenue in less time.

The core value proposition of sales productivity software is simple – generating more sales with less resources. By unlocking operational efficiencies and insights, they allow professionals to focus energy on high-value selling activities.

While evaluating options can appear daunting initially, the framework provided in this guide simplifies the selection process. Traction comes not just from buying more tools but combining, implementing and optimizing them holistically across sales workflows.

The future of sales productivity software

Multiple exciting innovation vectors will shape sales technology evolution in the coming years:

AI-powered selling – Expect smarter lead routing, predictive recommendations, and automated data capture leveraging AI. Examples are Gong’s revenue intelligence]( and Clari’s [forecasting.

Vertical specialization – Point solutions fine-tuned for specific industries will emerge beyond horizontal platforms.

Embedded analytics – Real-time sales insights will be infused into workflows versus separated analytics apps.

Collaborative selling – Tools will better support team selling spanning marketing, service and partners via shared data.

Flexible delivery – Pre-packaged apps, DIY tools, and embedded APIs will provide differentiated deployment options.

Mobile-first experience – Refined mobile interfaces will enable sales teams to execute on the go efficiently.

As sales tech continues maturing, virtually every step in the workflow will leverage automation and intelligence. The future sales rockstars will be power users who adeptly combine tools and data to accomplish more, faster.

The sales technology landscape shows no signs of slowing innovation. As promising as the capabilities today are, we’ve merely scratched the surface of potential. The truly game-changing sales productivity platforms have yet to be invented!

FAQs about Sales Productivity Tools

Let’s wrap up by addressing some commonly asked questions around sales productivity software:

What is the #1 sales productivity tool?

It’s impossible to crown a single best sales productivity tool today. The “leaderboard” keeps evolving based on company growth trajectory, size and sales workflow nuances.

However, CRM platforms often rank among the top tools adopted for their ability to deliver a unified customer view and workflow automation. The main CRM contenders are:

  • Salesforce – The most popular CRM globally. Over 150,000 companies use it. Strengths in sales force automation, reporting and third-party integrations. Ideal for large sales teams.
  • HubSpot – A top CRM for small businesses. Free CRM edition available. Excellent for inbound marketing and lead nurturing capabilities too.
  • Zoho – Cost-effective CRM tailored to small and mid-size businesses. Wide geographic adoption. Mobile CRM apps available.
  • Pipedrive – Simple visual interface loved by sales teams. Optimized for managing sales pipeline and forecasts.
  • Insightly – Intuitive CRM with project management capabilities. Integrates well with small business apps.

The best CRM depends on your specific company size, industry, budget and feature needs. All CRMs aim to deliver a unified customer view, automation and collaboration on a robust platform.

How much do sales productivity tools cost?

Sales tech pricing varies widely based on:

1. Tool category

Simple automation tools like email sequencers and dialers start at $10 per user monthly. More advanced platforms like CRM cost $25-$100+ per user monthly.

2. Tiered packages

Vendors offer tiered packages e.g. Basic, Pro, Enterprise with increasing functionality. Enterprise plans are priced higher for large sales teams.

3. Usage limits

Tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator price based on usage caps – number of leads viewed, emails sent etc. Higher limits cost more.

4. Integrations and add-ons

Additional integrations with CRMs and add-on tools like telephony incur incremental fees.

5. Assistance and training

Packages with expert support, onboarding assistance and training resources have higher subscription costs.

6. Contract terms

Longer 1-3 year contracts offer discounts over monthly pay-per-use. Annual subscriptions are cheaper than monthly ones.

Thoroughly evaluate capabilities against pricing to maximize ROI. Avoid overpaying for unused features in inflated packages not aligned to current needs.

How to measure ROI of sales productivity tools?

Sales tech investments are justified by positive ROI through:

Faster sales cycles

Analyze sales cycle duration before and after adopting tools. Accelerated deal closure directly improves revenue productivity.

Higher win rates

Compare historical win rates to those after deploying technology. Increased conversions indicate ROI.

Bigger deal sizes

Compare average deal size before and after. The ability to land bigger deals validates investments.

Improved retention

Review customer retention rates. Sales automation keeps customers engaged for retention boosts.

Rep time savings

Survey sales teams on hours saved in manual tasks through automation. Time savings translate to higher productivity.

Expanded pipeline reach

If new tools grow your prospect database and qualified leads, it demonstrates ROI.

Quantifying productivity lift across key sales metrics validates the payback from sales technology spending.

How many sales tools should a rep use daily?

Ideally sales reps should leverage 3-5 essential productivity tools spanning:

  • CRM – Central hub for data
  • Email – Key communication channel
  • Calendar – Scheduling meetings
  • Dialer – Customer calls
  • Sales engagement – Outreach orchestration

Beyond this core stack, specialized tools for proposals, eSignatures, payments etc. can be used as needed on a case-by-case basis.

Sales operations should consciously avoid tool overload on reps. Evaluate whether new tools really plug productivity gaps. Consolidate redundant apps to keep the stack lean.

Reps already juggle requests from prospects, reports for managers and learning new pitches. Unnecessary tools only distract them and hurt customer experience. As part of change management, gain rep buy-in before assigning additional tools.

Carefully curated sales technology makes teams efficient. But more tools doesn’t automatically equal higher productivity – restraint and depth of utilization matters more.

Key Takeaways

The diverse range of sales productivity tools profiled in this guide reflects the many workflows involved in optimizing the sales process today. Here are the key highlights:

  • Sales productivity combines both efficiency and effectiveness. Leading tools target these outcomes through workflow automation, data-driven insights and org-wide visibility.
  • Tool categories span lead generation, enrichment, CRM, meetings, email, dialers, analytics, contracts and more. Each solves specific sales workflow pain points.
  • Smooth integrations, usability, training and security are crucial factors when selecting sales tools. Measure ROI based on sales velocity, win rates, deal sizes and cycle times.
  • Phased implementation focused on user adoption and robust analytics is key to maximizing leverage over time across the sales organization.
  • Thoughtfully combining complementary tools creates powerful stacks that accelerate outcomes greater than individual apps.
  • With the right sales technology foundations, teams can methodically achieve more revenue in less time. Tools act as a force multiplier on rep productivity.
  • While evaluating options can seem daunting initially, this guide provides a framework to simplify selection. Equally important is optimizing tools holistically across go-to-market workflows post-purchase.
  • With smart tools in place to capture insights and automate repetitive tasks, sales professionals can better focus energy on high-value selling activities.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main categories of sales productivity tools?

The main categories are:

  • Lead generation tools like UpLead and LinkedIn Sales Navigator
  • Lead enrichment tools like Clearbit and Mystrika
  • CRM platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Pipedrive
  • Scheduling tools like Calendly and Acuity Scheduling
  • Email tools like Reply and Salesflix
  • Dialers including Aircall and CloudTalk
  • Proposal and contract tools like PandaDoc and DocuSign
  • Analytics platforms like Klipfolio and Databox

What are the benefits of sales productivity tools?

The key benefits are:

  • Automating repetitive and manual tasks
  • Providing data-driven insights on sales activities
  • Improving sales velocity and shortening deal cycles
  • Increasing win rates and average deal sizes
  • Optimizing sales rep time spent on selling
  • Enabling sales managers to coach team better
  • Scaling sales operations without adding headcount

How can I measure the ROI of sales productivity tools?

ROI can be measured through:

  • Faster sales cycle times
  • Higher win rates
  • Bigger deal sizes
  • Improved customer retention
  • More sales qualified leads
  • Higher rep utilization rates
  • Time savings in manual processes

What should I look for when choosing sales tools?

The key evaluation criteria are:

  • Integration with existing tech stack
  • Ease of use and adoption by sales reps
  • Change management and training support
  • Configurability to our unique processes
  • Data security and access control capabilities
  • ROI quantification through analytics and reporting

How many sales tools should a rep use daily?

Ideally 3-5 essential sales tools covering:

  • CRM for data
  • Email
  • Calendar
  • Dialer
  • Sales engagement orchestration

Beyond this core stack, specialized tools can be used as needed on a case-by-case basis.

What is the future of sales technology and productivity tools?

The future trends are:

  • AI-powered selling through automation and prediction
  • Industry-specific vertical solutions
  • Embedded real-time analytics
  • Unified platforms supporting collaborative selling
  • Flexible delivery models via apps, DIY and APIs
  • Refined mobile-first experiences