The Ultimate Guide to Different Types of Email Newsletters

Whether you want to promote discounts, share company news, or curate industry insights, email newsletters help businesses engage audiences in a personal and memorable way. But not all newsletters are created equal. In this comprehensive guide, we dive into the different types of newsletters with examples, so you can create targeted campaigns that attract and retain more loyal subscribers. Let’s explore the newsletter formats dominating inboxes today!

Page Contents

Why Email Newsletters Still Matter

Despite the rise of newer communication channels like social media and messaging apps, email marketing remains a highly effective strategy for brands. Email newsletters, in particular, continue to be a popular and profitable customer engagement tool. Here’s a quick look at why email newsletters are still going strong.

Email Continues to Be a Preferred Channel

Email is far from being a legacy technology. In fact, email usage has steadily grown over the past decade. There are currently over 4 billion email users worldwide, and that number is projected to increase to over 4.6 billion by 2025, according to Radicati Group.

People today actively use email for both professional and personal communications. On average, business users check their email 5.6 times per day while consumer users check it 3.9 times per day. Email remains the top channel for critical updates and notifications.

High Deliverability and Inbox Placement

With proper list building and email delivery reputation management, marketers can achieve over 90% inbox placement rates on commercial messages such as newsletters. Open rates for email range from 15-30% on average.

In comparison, newer channels like social media have much lower organic visibility. Less than 10% of a brand’s followers generally see social media posts without paid promotion.

Trusted Relationship Channel

Consumers have a long-established relationship with email as a channel. They are very comfortable sharing their inboxes and expect to receive updates from brands they know and engage with via email.

Email newsletters feel more personal and build deeper customer relationships than social media updates. Subscribers make an explicit choice to opt-in to receive a brand’s newsletters.

Flexibility for Varied Content

Email newsletters are highly versatile when it comes to types of content. Text updates, promotions, tutorials, surveys, and more can easily be formatted for the email channel.

Email also allows seamless linking to different resources, making it easy to drive traffic to websites, videos, podcasts, and other external content.

Better Measurement and Optimization

Email analytics provide in-depth visibility into subscriber engagement. Open rates, click-through rates, link performance, and unsubscribe rates can all be tracked to optimize future newsletter content.

A/B testing subject lines, content variations, designs, timing, and segments is also straightforward with email. The clear measurability of email newsletters enables continuous improvement.

Drives Strong ROI

According to Campaign Monitor, email marketing has a median ROI of 122% – significantly higher than most other marketing channels.

Many brands have built their entire business model around email newsletters. For instance, The Skimm generated over $20 million in annual revenue solely from their daily newsletter and related products.


Given email’s entrenched status as the preferred communication medium for most consumers and business users, it will continue to remain a highly relevant marketing channel.

Email newsletters enable meaningful customer engagement through curated content delivered directly to the inbox. With proper list growth and optimization strategies, brands can achieve strong ROI from newsletters.

The flexibility to communicate varied content, the trusted relationship email provides, and the rich analytics available make email newsletters a sustained platform for customer retention and revenue generation.

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Main Types of Email Newsletters

Email newsletters serve a variety of purposes for different brands and audiences. By categorizing the main types of newsletters, marketers can develop more targeted messaging and optimization strategies. Here is an overview of the most common newsletter types with examples.

Sales and Promotions Newsletters

One of the top uses of email newsletters is to promote special offers and discounts to drive sales. Limited-time promotions generate a sense of urgency for subscribers to take advantage of the deals.

Discount Newsletters

These newsletters showcase promotional savings and deals on products/services. Examples include:

  • Percentage discounts – Ex. 20% off your purchase
  • Dollar amount discounts – Ex. Get $10 off orders over $50
  • Freebie with purchase – Ex. Free shipping on all orders

Calls-to-action emphasize acting fast before the discount expires. Animated gifs, countdown timers, and bold colors help convey the time-sensitivity.

Sales Announcement Newsletters

These emails inform subscribers about sitewide or category-specific sales events happening soon. Examples are:

  • Friends & Family Sales – Ex. Get 25% off everything, this weekend only!
  • Seasonal Sales – Ex. Our biggest summer blowout sale starts Monday!
  • Flash Sales – Ex. Today only – take an extra 10% off all jewelry!

CTAs aim to get subscribers to mark their calendars and visit the sale.

New Product Launch Newsletters

When brands release new products, they leverage newsletters to generate buzz and purchases of the items. For instance:

  • iPhone Launch Emails – Apple sends emails showing off new phone features
    -Cookbook Launch Email – A chef announces their new book and recipes

These emails get subscribers excited to buy something new and exclusive.

Referral Program Newsletters

Referral programs incentivize existing customers to recommend the brand to new customers. Referral newsletters include:

  • Signup Bonus – Ex. Get a $20 credit for each friend who signs up
  • Referral Rewards – Ex. Earn 100 reward points for every referral purchase

The referral details and benefits are clearly highlighted to spur subscribers to share.

Content-Focused Newsletters

Many newsletters aim to build relationships by providing subscribers valuable content instead of promotional offers.

Helpful Tips and How-To Newsletters

These emails share advice and instructions related to using a product/service:

  • Product Care Tutorials – Ex. How to clean your leather handbag
  • Troubleshooting Guides – Ex. 5 solutions for common tech issues
  • Usability Tips – Ex. 7 helpful settings to customize your phone

The informative content establishes the brand as an authority and resource.

Curated News Digests

Curated newsletters summarize or link to top stories and content on a topic:

  • Industry News Roundups – Ex. Top cybersecurity articles this week
  • Learning Recommendations – Ex. Great podcasts for software engineers
  • Project Inspiration – Ex. Trending DIY crafts on Pinterest

Curation requires extensive research and enables personalized recommendations.

DIY and Guide Newsletters

These how-to newsletters provide step-by-step instructions for projects:

  • Recipe Tutorials – Ex. How to bake the perfect apple pie
  • Craft Instructions – Ex. Build a table with these 10 easy steps
  • Skill-Building – Ex. Improve your photography with these 5 tips

The engaging content establishes the brand as a teacher.

Personalized Recommendations

Customized newsletters suggest products based on individual subscriber data:

  • Browse Abandonment – Ex. Check out this shirt you viewed recently
  • Purchase Based – Ex. Customers who bought X also bought Y
  • User Attributes – Ex. Recommended books based on your past readings

Personalization increases perceived value and relevance.

Company and Industry Update Newsletters

Newsletters can announce important company happenings and events. They build brand awareness and hype.

Press Releases and News Announcements

These newsletters inform subscribers about major company news like:

  • New Funding Rounds – Ex. We raised $5M in Series A funding!
  • Office Expansions – Ex. We’re opening 10 new locations this year
  • Leadership Changes – Ex. Jane Smith joins as our new CEO

Timely updates make customers feel involved and invested in the brand.

Event Invitations and Promotions

Many newsletters promote special events like:

  • Webinars – Ex. Register for our upcoming webinar on [Topic]
  • Conferences – Ex. Get 20% off tickets to our annual conference
  • Product Launches – Ex. Join our virtual launch party for [Product]!

Unique access and discounts entice newsletter signups.

Product Update Notifications

Newsletters can announce product changes and new features like:

  • Enhanced Features – Ex. App now supports dark mode!
  • New Integrations – Ex. Our software now syncs with Zapier
  • Bug Fixes – Ex. Updates resolve loading issues

Subscribers feel involved and appreciate timely communication.

Automated Trigger Newsletters

Triggered newsletters are automatically sent when users meet predefined criteria.

Welcome and Onboarding Sequences

These nurturing emails help orient new subscribers:

  • Confirmation Message – Ex. Thanks for subscribing!
  • Quick Start Guide – Ex. How to get set up in 5 easy steps
  • Progress Check-Ins – Ex. Loving our service so far? Take our quick survey!

Proper onboarding improves retention and satisfaction.

Shopping Cart and Purchase Abandonment

If a shopper doesn’t complete a purchase, reminder emails can be triggered:

  • Abandoned Cart – Ex. Don’t forget the items in your cart!
  • Browse Abandonment – Ex. You viewed this – here’s a 10% off coupon!
  • Recently Viewed – Ex. Check out this shirt you viewed again

These recover lost sales opportunities.

Re-Engagement and Win-Back Outreach

Lapsed subscribers who have been inactive get auto-sent promotions:

  • We Miss You – Ex. We noticed you haven’t opened lately – here’s a coupon!
  • Come Back Offers – Ex. Take 10% off your next purchase when you resubscribe
  • Sneak Peeks – Ex. Check out our new arrivals before everyone else

Win-back campaigns reactivate disengaged subscribers.

Transactional Service Messages

Transactional newsletters communicate order status and account notifications.

Order Confirmations and Shipping Updates

These critical emails include:

  • Order Confirmations – Ex. Your order #123 has been placed!
  • Shipping Confirmations – Ex. Your order has shipped and will arrive in 3 days
  • Delivery Notifications – Ex. Your package was delivered at 10:15am.

Transactional messages prevent gaps in order visibility.

Password Reset and Account Notifications

These automated emails help with account management:

  • Password Reset – Ex. Click here to set a new password
  • Payment Failed – Ex. Your latest credit card payment did not go through
  • Free Trial Expiring – Ex. Your free trial ends tomorrow – upgrade now!

Account notifications maintain the customer relationship.

Appointment and Calendar Reminders

Scheduling and reservation emails include:

  • Appointment Reminders – Ex. Your appointment is tomorrow at 2pm!
  • Upcoming Payment Reminders – Ex. Your monthly bill is charged on the 5th
  • Waitlist Confirmations – Ex. A spot opened up for the 5pm yoga class!

Reminder newsletters reduce no-shows and keep engagements top of mind.


There are diverse newsletter formats beyond basic promotional emails. Well-planned newsletters that provide value and relevant content are more likely to be opened, read, and shared.

Key best practices are tailoring content to the subscriber’s needs, segmenting your lists based on user attributes and behaviors, and routinely testing subject lines, messaging, designs, timing and more.

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Growing Your Newsletter List

Building a large, engaged subscriber base is critical to email marketing success. An underperforming newsletter often simply lacks list volume. Here are proven tactics to expand your subscriber list:

Driving Signups with Lead Magnets

Lead magnets incentivize visitors to exchange their email for access to desirable content. Effective lead magnets include:

eBooks and Guides

In-depth guides can attract signups. For example:

  • The Ultimate Guide to Keyword Research” ebook
  • “10 Tips for Better Sleep” report
  • “5 Recipes for a Healthier Heart” cookbook

Useful, relevant information builds your authority.

Templates and Checklists

Helpful templates encourage opt-ins. Examples are:

  • Social media post templates
  • Editorial calendar checklist
  • Meal planning printable template

Subscribers appreciate practical, reusable tools.

Webinars and Workshops

Free learning opportunities make strong lead magnets:

  • A 1-hour SEO masterclass webinar
  • “Getting Started With Photoshop” video workshop
  • “30 Days to Better Finances” email course

Education establishes you as an industry expert.

Discounts and Coupons

Exclusive deals for subscribers work well:

  • Get 20% off your first purchase
  • $10 credit with newsletter signup
  • Free shipping on your first order

Money-saving promotions give an instant payoff.

Contests, Quizzes, and Games

Fun activities entice visitors to subscribe:

  • Newsletter trivia contests
  • “Which [X] Are You?” quiz
  • Sweepstakes giveaways

Engagement and entertainment attract signups.

Audits and Consults

Free evaluations appeal to visitors:

  • Website SEO audit
  • Social media profile review
  • 15-minute spine health consult

Delivering personalized advice builds trust.

The more valuable your lead magnet, the better the conversion rates.

Promoting Your Newsletter Across Channels

Spreading awareness of your newsletter across all touchpoints will maximize signups.

Website Popups and Slide-ins

Website prompts convert visitors into subscribers:

!Newsletter popup example

Timed and scroll-based popups should be used sparingly to avoid annoyance.

Website Widgets and Sticky Bars

Fixed on-page elements keep the newsletter visible:

!Newsletter sticky bar example

The signup can persist as visitors scroll to lower sections.

Link in Navigation and Footer

Add shortcuts to the signup form in prime real estate spots:

  • Link in main navigation menu
  • Link in footer navigation

This makes opting-in easily accessible from any page.

Social Media Profiles

Promote your newsletter across social networks:

  • Link to the signup form in your LinkedIn profile
  • Pin an eye-catching newsletter image on Pinterest
  • Post a series of signup reminder Stories on Instagram

Broad social reach captures more potential subscribers.

Paid Ads and Sponsorships

Buying display, native, and social ads builds quick momentum:

  • Target cold traffic with a Facebook ad campaign
  • Sponsor relevant YouTube channels
  • Advertise on industry podcasts

Paid promotion expands your reach beyond organic efforts.

Leveraging Pop-ups and Website Widgets

Pop-ups and on-page widgets capture more email signups by catching visitors’ attention.

Timed Pop-Ups

Configure pop-ups to display after a time delay:

  • Display the pop-up after 60 seconds
  • Show after 2 minutes on blog posts over 1000 words

This allows users to absorb content before signing up.

Scroll-Based Pop-Ups

Pop-ups can also trigger based on scrolling behaviour:

  • Display when visitor scrolls 60% down the page
  • Appear after scrolling past a specific section

The timing feels natural versus interrupting their reading.

Exit-Intent Pop-Ups

Detect when the visitor is about to leave your site:

  • Show pop-up when user moves cursor outside the window
  • Offer an exit coupon code or deal

Exit-intent popups capture abandoning visitors.

Embedded Widgets

Fixed bars and slide-outs make signup accessible:

!Scrollable newsletter widget

The persistent signup forms reinforce the opt-in call-to-action.

Optimizing Pop-Up Content

  • Offer a compelling lead magnet like a coupon
  • Use benefit-driven copy – ex. “Join our list for 10% off!”
  • Allow instant dismissal to avoid irritating visitors

Well-designed popups boost conversions without being annoying.

Offering Exclusive Subscriber Content

Restricting some content exclusively for subscribers incentivizes signups.

Gated Articles and Posts

Hide certain blog posts behind the newsletter paywall:

  • Mark several in-depth articles as “Subscriber Only”
  • Restrict posts with highly viral topics

Access to exclusive content encourages opting-in.

Member Forums and Groups

Online community access limited to subscribers:

  • Offer a “Subscriber Forum” for discussing niche topics
  • Create a subscriber-only Facebook group

Privileged access builds loyalty.

Subscriber Contests and Giveaways

Sweepstakes and contests reserved for subscribers:

  • Monthly newsletter subscriber giveaways
  • Subscriber-exclusive trivia contests

Exclusive benefits make subscribing more rewarding.

Special Offers and Discounts

Newsletter-only promotions entice signups:

  • 50% off coupons for subscribers only
  • First pick of new product drops for subscribers

Savings and perks give great reasons to subscribe.

Key Takeaways

  • Lead magnets exchange value for email addresses
  • Promote your list across digital channels and offline
  • Website popups and widgets make signup accessible
  • Special gated content and offers build excitement

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Measuring Newsletter Performance and Engagement

To continually improve email campaigns, marketers need to monitor key analytics and optimize based on data. Here are the main metrics and methods for gauging newsletter effectiveness.

Tracking Open and Click-Through Rates

Open and click-through rates indicate whether your content resonates with subscribers.

Open Rates

The open rate is the percentage of sent emails that were opened by subscribers. Example:

Benchmark open rates range from 15-30% in most industries.

Factors impacting open rate include:

  • Subject line quality and personalization
  • Subscriber demographics and engagement levels
  • Email category – promotional, transactional, etc.
  • Preview text clarity and appeal
  • Send day and time

Test different variables to lift your open rate.

Click-Through Rates

The click-through rate (CTR) is the percentage of opened emails which had at least one link clicked. Example:

  • Emails Opened: 100
  • Emails Clicked: 25
  • CTR: 25%

Good CTRs range from 2-5%.

Elements influencing CTR include:

  • Content quality, length, and formatting
  • Call-to-action placement, design, and messaging
  • Overall email layout and ease of reading
  • Relevance of links and offers
  • Trust in sender reputation

Optimize your emails to drive more clicks.

Monitoring Bounce and Unsubscribe Rates

Bounce and unsubscribe rates help gauge list health and deliverability.

Bounce Rates

Bounce rate measures what percentage of total emails bounced instead of being delivered. For example:

Ideally, bounce rates should be under 2%. High bouncing indicates issues like invalid, outdated, or spam-flagged email addresses on your list. Continued high bounce rates lead to worse deliverability and potential blacklisting.

Regular list cleaning, double opt-in, and engaged subscribers help minimize bouncing.

Unsubscribe Rates

The unsubscribe rate calculates how many recipients clicked to opt-out of your emails. Example:

  • Emails Sent: 1000
  • Unsubscribes: 20
  • Unsubscribe Rate: 2%

Unsubscribe rates above 1-2% may signal your content is not resonating or subscribers feel overcommunicated with.

Ways to reduce unsubscribes include more relevant messaging, better list segmentation, finding optimal send frequency, and prominently displaying the one-click unsubscribe option.

Surveying Subscribers for Feedback

Directly soliciting input from subscribers provides actionable insights.

Ask for Email Subject Line Preferences

Survey subscribers on their favorite and least favorite email subjects. Adjust your subject line strategy accordingly.

Query About Desired Content

Ask subscribers what types of content and frequency of emails they prefer. Tailor your newsletters based on the responses.

Solicit Open-Ended Feedback

Posing open-ended questions like “How can we improve our newsletters?” uncovers pain points and new ideas from engaged subscribers.

Poll Subscribers About Email Cadence

If you want to increase or decrease send frequency, first survey subscribers on their preferences so changes align with readership desires.

Surveys provide valuable qualitative data to supplement quantitative analytics. Short, focused polls sent 1-2 times per year typically get the best response rates.

A/B Testing Subject Lines and Content

A/B testing compares the performance of two versions by sending each to a sample of your list.

Subject Line Testing

Subject lines make the first impression on subscribers. Try different options like:

  • Emotional vs. Informational

Subject A: “This left us speechless!”
Subject B: “This week’s top news roundup”

  • Addressing Pain Points

Subject A: “Is your website outdated?”
Subject B: “Website revamp guide”

  • Long vs. Short

Subject A: “Our biggest sale of the year starts NOW!”
Subject B: “Big sale”

  • Emojis vs. Text

Subject A: “Our 2021 📈 Financial Report”
Subject B: “Our 2021 Financial Report is here!”

Content Testing

Test content variations like:

  • Headline phrasing
  • Section order
  • Call-to-action wording
  • Link positioning
  • List vs. paragraph format
  • Visuals used

Winning combinations get sent to the full list.

Optimizing Send Times and Cadence

Picking the best days, times, and frequency boosts email metrics.

Day of Week Testing

Compare open and click rates between different weekdays. Many find:

  • Early week is best for promotional emails
  • Mid-week for educational content
  • End of week for updates and newsletters

Adjust your calendar based on subscriber behavior data.

Time of Day Testing

Segment your list by time zone. Test sending at different times like:

  • Early Morning: 8-9 AM
  • Mid-Morning: 10-11 AM
  • Lunch Hour: 12-1 PM
  • Mid-Afternoon: 2-3 PM
  • End of Day: 4-6 PM

Identify when your audience is most engaged.

Email Frequency Optimization

Gradually increase send cadence and monitor metrics to find the optimal rate, such as:

  • Monthly
  • Twice a Month
  • Weekly
  • Twice per Week

Higher frequency requires consistently valuable content to avoid irritation.

Key Takeaways

  • Monitor open, click, bounce, and unsubscribe rates
  • Survey subscribers for direct qualitative feedback
  • Run A/B tests on subject lines, content, timing, and frequency
  • Use data insights to create higher-performing newsletters

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Curated Newsletter Examples and Inspiration

Looking at great newsletter examples can spark ideas for your own email campaigns. Here are some exceptionally well-crafted newsletters worth checking out.

Company Email Newsletters Worth Subscribing To

1. MintLife

MintLife, the personal finance site, sends a weekly roundup highlighting their best articles on money topics like saving, investing, budgets, and minimalism.

The bold colors, clean formatting, and eye-catching headers make the content easily scannable. Links connect to the full articles on their site. The newsletter drives traffic while establishing Mint as a trusted resource.

!MintLife Newsletter Example

2. HubSpot

HubSpot sends various newsletters focused on inbound marketing and sales topics. Their “Weekly Roundup” email summarizes top stories on their blog in a colorful, visual style.

The relevant headers, descriptive preamble text, and simple calls-to-action make it easy for busy subscribers to quickly absorb key articles. Varied visuals keep the email engaging.

!HubSpot Newsletter Example

3. Leverage

The growth marketing event company sends a weekly “Best of Leverage” email highlighting top insights from their blog and community.

The conversational style coupled with fun graphics and varied sections gives this curated newsletter an energetic, refreshing feel compared to denser newsletters.

!Leverage Newsletter Example

Personal Newsletters from Industry Experts

1. Seth Godin’s Startup School

Seth Godin’s daily email course contains short, thought-provoking lessons on entrepreneurship and marketing.

His inspirational insights delivered in a compact, scannable format make this newsletter worth reading every morning. Takeaways turn into mantras.

!Seth Godin Newsletter Example

2. Tim Ferriss Experimental

Tim Ferriss tests different newsletter formats in this email to evolve his writing.

Recent editions included a fan FAQ, progressive hero storytelling, and vulnerability through revealing fears. The creativity keeps his legions of followers engaged.

!Tim Ferriss Newsletter Example

3. Ali Abdaal’s Wonder Weekly

Ali Abdaal sends an eclectic mix of science, philosophy, and productivity insights from his learnings and network.

Asking rhetorical questions and using thematic imagery makes his dense content stimulating. Ali’s authentic voice connects with readers.

!Ali Abdaal Newsletter Example

Creative and Engaging Email Newsletter Designs

1. Sentio Studio

Sentio promotes their meditation app through artistic, aesthetic newsletter issues.

Soothing nature photos, ample negative space, a calm color scheme, and reflection questions induce relaxation. Their design aligns beautifully with the brand.

!Sentio Newsletter Example

2. Unsolicited Advice

This satirical newsletter shares purposefully unhelpful life recommendations in a tongue-in-cheek way.

Their clever advice paired with animated gifs gives this newsletter an absurdist feel. The sarcasm and wit entertain subscribers.

!Unsolicited Advice Newsletter Example

3. Willa Creative

The digital studio sends sporadic “Issue” emails showcasing their best branding, packaging, and web projects.

Striking custom illustrations foreground each project. The strong visual identity immerses you in their style.

!Willa Creative Newsletter Example

Let me know if you would like me to expand on any example or add other sample newsletters to this inspirational showcase section. I’m happy to describe more great newsletter designs and formats.

Key Takeaways

Email newsletters remain a highly effective marketing channel when executed well. Here are some overarching best practices:

  • Offer a clear value exchange through your newsletter content – education, entertainment, exclusives, etc.
  • Research your target audience’s preferences to tailor content accordingly. Leverage segmentation.
  • spread awareness through cross-channel promotion and lead magnets.
  • Write catchy subject lines optimized for open rate. Personalize when possible.
  • Make engagement and sharing easy with clickable links, social sharing buttons, appealing visuals etc.
  • Monitor key metrics like open rate, CTR, bounce rate, and use data to optimize and improve each newsletter.
  • Study and take inspiration from company newsletters, experts, and creative designs.
  • Experiment regularly with send times, frequency, formats, and messaging to keep improving.

The most effective newsletters remain focused on serving their subscribers’ needs versus pure promotion. By continually honing your strategy, you can build an audience that eagerly awaits and engages with each issue you send.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main types of email newsletters?

The core newsletter categories are promotional, content-focused, company updates, triggered, and transactional. Each serves a different purpose from driving sales to building relationships.

How do you create a good newsletter?

Important elements are a clear purpose, understanding your audience, effective subject lines, useful content, intuitive design, engaging multimedia, and clear calls-to-action. Focus on delivering subscriber value.

What should you not include in a newsletter?

Avoid spammy sales pitches, inappropriate content, technical jargon, dense blocks of text, broken links, egregious typos, and off-putting designs that make reading difficult.

How do you increase newsletter subscriptions?

Use lead magnets, website popups, social promotion, paid ads, exclusive gated content, and cross-channel marketing to increase awareness and drive more email signups.

What newsletter metrics should you track?

Key metrics to monitor are open rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, bounce rate, unsubscribe rate, and subscriber growth rate. Use analytics to optimize your strategy.

When should you send newsletters?

Test different days and times based on your audience demographics and preferences. Many find Tuesday-Thursday in the early to late afternoon works well for most content types.

How often should you send a newsletter?

Start with monthly or twice per month, then increase frequency based on engagement data. Generally weekly or twice weekly cadences are recommended at most to avoid overspending.