How to Write the Perfect Follow-Up Email After a Meeting

You did it! You made it through that big client meeting or exhausting team brainstorm without a hitch. Don’t pat yourself on the back just yet though – you still have important work to do after the meeting ends. Crafting a professional yet friendly follow-up email is crucial to capitalize on all that prime face time. Whether you’re looking to seal a deal, align your team, or take a new relationship to the next level, … Read more

Brand Pitch Email with Templates to use in 2023

For influencers, sponsored brand collaborations are the key to monetizing your online presence. But you can’t wait around expecting lucrative deals to just land in your lap. Crafting stand-out brand pitch emails is a crucial skill for proactively connecting with potential partners and securing collaborations with brands you admire. We’ve put together the ultimate guide to influencer partnership pitch emails. From email templates and examples to follow-up strategies and avoiding common mistakes, learn how to … Read more

The Complete Guide to Sales Certifications: Which Ones Are Worth It?

From rookie to rainmaker – sales certifications offer accelerated training to unlock your earning potential. But not all programs carry equal clout. This definitive guide reveals the must-have certifications to advance your sales career. We’ll explore top credentials for beginners to executives, across industries and specialties. Plus insider tips to select the best sales training for you. Ready to gain the skills, network, and credentials to grow your income? Let’s get qualified! Why Get Certified … Read more

Sales Assessments and Aptitude Tests – The Complete Guide

Are you staring down the barrel of an upcoming sales assessment? Stress no more! This comprehensive guide arms both sales job candidates and recruiters with an in-depth look at sales assessments—what they are, how to crush them, and how to create effective assessments. We’ll explore the various sales assessment formats, benefits for employers, preparation tips for candidates, best practices for design, sample questions, key resources, FAQs, and more. Time to demystify sales assessment testing! What … Read more

The Comprehensive Guide to Logrolling Negotiation

Trading issues, breaking deadlocks, and crafting win-win deals. Logrolling negotiation is a versatile tactic for getting unstuck and realizing mutual gains at the bargaining table. But what exactly is logrolling and when should you roll it out? This comprehensive guide has all you need to know to master interest-based logrolling strategies and skills for negotiating success. Let’s dive in to the nuances of logrolling, from core principles to top tactics, so you can use concessions … Read more

The Complete Guide to Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs)

Being put on a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) can feel like a kiss of death for sales reps. But don’t just resign yourself to defeat yet. PIPs present an opportunity to fix deficient skills and avoid losing your job, if you navigate them strategically. This comprehensive guide explores what sales PIPs are, why reps get them, how to create effective plans, and top tips for completing them successfully or recovering after completion. Arm yourself with … Read more

Sales Process Mapping: The Complete Guide on How to Optimize Your Sales Strategy

Does your sales team feel like they’re wandering aimlessly without a map? Are deals consistently getting stuck, stalled, or lost altogether somewhere in the pipeline? Do you lack visibility into what’s working and what’s not? If this sounds familiar, it’s time to chart a new course for revenue growth by mapping out your sales process. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to create asales process map that optimizes workflows, unblocks bottlenecks, and drives … Read more

The Complete Guide to Sales Qualifying Questions in 2023

Not every lead is worth pursuing. Like prospectors sifting for gold, sales reps must screen contacts to cherry-pick hot prospects using qualifying questions. This complete guide explores what sales qualifying questions are, when to ask them, how to frame them, and tips for using them strategically. Learn the art and science behind qualifying leads with targeted questions to boost conversions. What are Sales Qualifying Questions and Why are they Important? Sales qualifying questions are crucial … Read more

Brand Salience – Complete Guide to Understanding and Measuring

Could your brand slip through the cracks during the customer’s purchase decision? Learn why brand salience is critical for sales – and how to become impossible to ignore. What is Brand Salience and Why Does it Matter? Defining Brand Salience Brand salience refers to how easily and readily your brand comes to mind for customers when they are in a situation where they need to make a purchase decision. It measures how prominent and top-of-mind … Read more

The Ultimate List of the Best Sales Books for 2023

The world of sales is constantly evolving. With new technologies, strategies, and economic conditions shaping the marketplace, sales professionals need to stay sharp. While nothing can replace hands-on experience, one of the best ways to build your skills is by reading the latest sales books. But with thousands of options out there, how do you know which sales books are really worth your valuable time in 2023? That’s what we’re here to help with! In … Read more