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The Complete Guide to Writing Effective Body Copy and Email Subject Lines

Words have power. As any copywriter knows, stringing the right words together in the right way sparks action, emotion, and results. But when it comes to the body copy and subject lines that often make or break a content piece, many struggle to get it right.

This complete guide takes the mystery out of crafting compelling body copy and email subject lines that convert. Whether you want readers to whip out their credit cards or flood your inboxes, lean on proven copywriting techniques to make it happen. From hard-hitting facts to tantalizing intrigue, discover how to excite your audience and achieve your goals.

Page Contents

What is Body Copy and Why is it Important?

Body copy refers to the primary text in a piece of content or advertisement that elaborates on the headline and provides detailed information to potential customers. It is distinct from the headline, logo, images or captions and focuses on communicating the key benefits, features and value proposition of a product or service.

The role of effective body copy in marketing communications is to persuade and convince readers to take action, whether that is making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter or engaging further with the brand. It serves the critical purpose of generating interest, desire and intent among prospects.

Difference Between Body Copy and Headlines

While headlines are meant to grab attention, body copy targets conversion and sales. Here are some key differences:

  • Headlines are short, attention-grabbing phrases while body copy provides more in-depth information.
  • Headlines spark initial interest but body copy educates and persuades readers.
  • Headlines summarize the key idea but body copy supports it with details, examples, data.
  • Headlines use keywords for SEO but body copy uses conversational language suited for the target audience.
  • Headlines come first but body copy follows to develop the headline’s promise.

So in summary, headlines generate attention while body copy converts that attention into action. They work together to attract, engage and persuade visitors.

Why Is Strong Body Copy Essential?

Body copy is one of the main factors that determines whether a marketing campaign succeeds or fails. Here are some key benefits of compelling body copy:

  • Builds Trust and Credibility – By providing details, stats, evidence, body copy establishes expertise and authority on a topic so readers trust the content.
  • Overcomes Objections – It can address concerns, doubts and issues prospects may have that prevent action. Strong copy pre-empts and counters objections.
  • Describes Benefits – Unlike headlines, body copy has space to expand on the specific payoffs and advantages readers get from the product. This motivates action.
  • Creates Desire – Through emotional triggers, great storytelling and demonstrating value, quality body copy generates desire for the solution.
  • Guides and Nurtures – It walks readers through the next steps whether that’s exploring features, claiming an offer or making a purchase.
  • Engages and Connects – Conversational copy makes readers feel personally understood and connects them to the brand’s purpose.

Role of Body Copy in Different Mediums

The core principles of effective body copy remain the same across different mediums but the execution varies:


In a print ad or commercial, the copy needs to be concise yet compelling since space or airtime is limited. Every word must capture attention and motivate response.

Website Content

Web copy can be more detailed and explanatory since it is not time-bound. The focus is on addressing queries, guiding decisions and encouraging specific on-site actions.


For email body text, personalization and directly addressing subscribers is key. Copy should nurture leads and build relationships.

Social Media

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram require very concise but engaging text that grabs attention and incites quick action.

So the format changes but body copy always serves the same purpose of persuading readers by highlighting benefits, features and value of the product or brand.

Crafting Compelling Body Copy

Writing effective body copy is an art and science. Here are some proven tips:

  • Focus on clarity above all – simplicity and organization beats convoluted language.
  • Chunk text using subheads – break up large blocks of text for easy skimming.
  • Research your target audience – understand their pain points, goals and motivations.
  • Emphasize benefits over features – concentrate on meaningful payoffs readers get.
  • Blend logic and emotion – data, facts and stories together drive action.
  • Use a conversational tone – write like you speak to build connection.
  • Add social proof – leverage reviews, case studies and expert voices.
  • Include clear calls-to-action – give specific directions on next steps.

Great body copy is invaluable for content marketing and advertising success. It compels audiences to convert by educating them about benefits in an authentic, logical and emotional manner.

Elements of High-Converting Body Copy

Crafting body copy that delivers results is both an art and a science. Certain core elements go into writing persuasive text that motivates action and conversions.

Clarity Above All

Clarity is king when it comes to effective copy. Some key tips:

  • Use simple, easy to grasp language. Avoid complex words and industry jargon.
  • Opt for familiar words over obscure ones. Stick to language your audience uses.
  • Keep sentences short, around 10-20 words. Easier to digest.
  • Break up dense paragraphs with line spaces and subheads.
  • Structure logically, with smooth transitions between ideas.

Unclear, disjointed body copy loses readers quickly. Ensuring clarity so that even a child could understand should be the top priority.

Brevity and Conciseness

Being succinct raises impact. Follow these practices:

  • Exclude extraneous words/details. Cut the fluff ruthlessly.
  • Avoid excessive adjectives and adverbs. Nouns and verbs carry power.
  • Pare down points to their essence. Convey more with fewer words.
  • Use bullet points, numbered lists and tables to present info compactly.
  • Leave white space on the page. Don’t cram text wall-to-wall.

Being tight and concise focuses reader attention on what matters most.

Emphasize Benefits

Readers care most about how your product or service benefits them directly.

  • Identify your target audience’s hopes, dreams and pain points.
  • Demonstrate exactly how you satisfy their wants and needs.
  • Focus on meaningful payoffs not generic advantages. Gets prospects excited.
  • Use words like “you” and “your” to speak directly to the reader.
  • Paint a vivid post-purchase picture of success, enjoyment and gratification.

Benefit-driven copy provides compelling reasons to buy and act now.

Layer In Emotional Triggers

Logic alone rarely spurs action – emotion is key. Ways to incorporate it:

  • Use aspirational messaging about achievement, status, belonging.
  • Leverage FOMO by suggesting scarcity or exclusivity.
  • Deploy carefully tested phrases that evoke positive feelings.
  • Share stories customers relate to about fulfillment or triumph over challenge.
  • Tap into desires like convenience, peace of mind, acceptance, luxury.

Stirring up the right emotions strongly motivates desired actions.

Blend Facts and Credibility Builders

Back up emotional appeals with logic through hard facts:

  • Include stats, data, expert opinions, awards, certifications.
  • Quote scientific studies, research papers and industry authorities.
  • Share case studies and testimonials from satisfied customers.
  • State the number of clients, years in business, team size as social proof.
  • Use comparison tables, charts, graphs to illustrate advantages over competitors.

Evidence and stats help justify purchase decisions rationally.

Adopt a Conversational Tone

Write body copy as if speaking one-on-one builds rapport:

  • Use language suitable for the target audience – avoid overly formal or flowery text.
  • Keep sentences fairly short with natural cadence and word order.
  • Scale emotional language suitable for person-to-person connection.
  • Use second person “you” instead of third person to enhance intimacy.
  • Share tips, insights and behind-the-scenes details conversationally.

Conversational writing enhances trust and relationships vital for conversion.

Personalize the Copy

Tailoring copy to specific groups/personas generates relevance:

  • Research target demographics – age, gender, income, interests, pain points.
  • Speak directly using “you” with their priorities and preferences in mind.
  • Use names, locations, communities, brands they identify with.
  • Address their goals, challenges and dreams specifically.
  • Feature case studies and testimonials from people similar to reader.

Personalized copy feels like it was written just for them, increasing appeal.

Include Clear Calls-to-Action

CTAs transform interest into action by providing specific direction:

  • Place strategically after building desire and addressing concerns.
  • Use action words like “Download”, “Register”, “Buy Now”, “Get Started”.
  • Make them highly visible through color, size, layout, headline-style typography.
  • Have a sense of urgency like “Limited Time Offer” or social proof like “Join 10,000+ satisfied customers”.
  • Link to optimal page – squeeze page, pricing page, sales page etc.

Strong CTAs are crucial for readers to take intended actions for conversion.

Crafting copy combining these essential elements takes skill but yields great rewards in the form of higher response rates and sales. Test and refine until you have a high-converting copy formula.

Types of Body Copy in Marketing

Body copy in marketing communications serves the core purpose of persuasion but can take many different forms depending on goals, audiences and contexts. Let’s examine the main types of body copy and their respective uses.

Factual Body Copy

Factual copy provides key product details and concrete evidence in a straightforward manner.


  • Educate readers on features and capabilities
  • Establish subject matter expertise and authority
  • Enable informed purchase decisions based on logic

Best Practices

  • Use clear, precise language – avoid exaggerations
  • Focus on accuracy and objectivity
  • Include statistics, expert opinions, awards
  • Provide comparison tables demonstrating advantages
  • Answer frequently asked questions directly
  • Concentrate on conveying USPs over competitors


  • Detailed product descriptions
  • Technical specifications and documentation
  • Compliance, regulations and disclaimer information
  • Product reviews and feedback summaries
  • FAQs and knowledge base articles

Factual body copy builds trust through reliable, verifiable information that helps justify buying decisions rationally.

Narrative Body Copy

Narrative copy tells a compelling brand or customer story.


  • Make an emotional connection with readers
  • Share relatable experiences that resonate
  • Spotlight specific user journeys and touchpoints

Best Practices:

  • Develop an engaging plot with dramatic arc
  • Have a protagonist readers identify with
  • Use vivid, sensory language that transports readers
  • Include conversational dialogue and quotes
  • Build to an inspiring resolution or transformation


  • Origins story of product development
  • Case studies showcasing problem and solution
  • Customer success stories and transformations
  • Explanatory analogies and metaphors
  • Behind-the-scenes look at company culture

Great storytelling allows readers to envision enjoying the product/service through memorable narratives.

Human Interest Body Copy

Human interest copy appeals to universal emotions, values and aspirations.


  • Forge an emotional bond and sense of shared understanding
  • Surface what truly matters to people – family, purpose, achievement, love
  • Transcend demographics to connect on a fundamental human level

Best Practices

  • Identify emotional triggers that unite humanity
  • Use informal, heartfelt language and sentiment
  • Share triumphs, challenges, dreams that resonate across cultures
  • Feature real people and conversations
  • Spotlight exceptional deeds, acts of heroism or goodwill


  • Charitable initiatives and community service stories
  • Celebrating noteworthy accomplishments and milestones
  • User-generated thank you notes, reviews and testimonials
  • Behind-the-scenes look at real employees

Human interest copy builds affinity through universal emotions like pride, nostalgia, inspiration and generosity.

Testimonial Body Copy

Testimonial copy features customer endorsements and expert opinions.


  • Establish credibility through third-party validation
  • Provide authentic social proof of results
  • Enhance trust in claims and messaging
  • Let satisfied users speak directly to prospects

Best Practices

  • Curate diverse, representative testimonials
  • Pick most enthusiastic, vivid language
  • Keep approval relevant to core offer
  • Spotlight specific benefits/results
  • Include details like location, usage context
  • Blend with facts like tenure, rating, stats


  • Quotes from recognized industry experts
  • Excerpts from verified customer reviews
  • Case study examples and success highlights
  • Survey and test results supporting claims
  • Awards, media mentions and endorsements

Testimonial copy lends outside credibility while capturing the voice of real users.

Humorous Body Copy

Humorous copy incorporates entertainment and amusement.


  • Capture attention through laughter and smiles
  • Make messaging more distinctive and memorable
  • Establish brand personality and likability
  • Allow readers to enjoy and engage ads/content

Best Practices

  • Ensure humor aligns with brand identity
  • Know the audience and avoid inappropriate jokes
  • Use double entendres, irony, satire and wit carefully
  • Try self-deprecating and exaggerated humor
  • Contrast with serious product/offer facts


  • Playful exaggerations and inside jokes
  • Amusing hypotheticals and imagined scenarios
  • Wacky metaphors, analogies and stats
  • Mimicking pop culture memes and tropes
  • Visual gags and amusing Photoshop tricks

Humor makes copy more distinctive and better liked but needs proper audience targeting and skill to be effective.

Institutional Body Copy

Institutional copy promotes brand identity, culture and values.


  • Communicate company philosophies and purpose
  • Spotlight community initiatives and social responsibility
  • Recruit talent by showcasing company culture and people

Best Practices

  • Choose messages and language that embody brand values
  • Enable audience to envision working or partnering together
  • Balance logic and emotion based on message goals
  • Include authentic commentary from employees and partners


  • Owned media content on leadership principles and vision
  • CSR, environmental and diversity reports
  • Recruitment campaigns highlighting culture and achievements
  • Speech/letter from CEO on current events or direction

Institutional copy plays an important role in PR, HR and communicating brand ideals.

Understanding these diverse categories allows matching copy style to campaign objectives and audience psychology. Mastery comes from practice – test a variety of approaches until you discover what motivates action.

Best Practices for Writing Body Copy

Mastering body copy involves both art and science. Certain core principles govern effective copy across contexts. Let’s examine key best practices.

Research Target Audience Extensively

Knowing the reader is crucial for relevance and appeal.

  • Gather demographics like age, gender, income, geography, job role.
  • Understand their interests, passions, fears, and aspirations.
  • Identify where they congregate online and offline.
  • Analyze psychographic attributes like attitudes, values, personality.
  • Determine their level of awareness/education about the topic.
  • Uncover pain points, challenges, and desires.

With audience insights, copy can be crafted to align with their worldview, addressing their specific wants and needs.

Speak Directly to the Reader

Leveraging second person perspective builds engagement.

  • Use “you” frequently – avoid third person voice.
  • Pose rhetorical questions for readers to reflect on.
  • Adopt conversational wording and sentence structure.
  • Address concerns and goals they are likely to have.
  • Provide tips and guidance using their language patterns.
  • Imagine speaking one-on-one during the writing process.

The intimacy of talking just to the reader makes copy more compelling.

Highlight Product USPs and Benefits

Communicate how the offering uniquely solves needs.

  • Focus on one or two main value propositions.
  • Link benefits clearly to audience problems/goals.
  • Quantify advantages with stats like time saved, money gained.
  • Use words like “you” and “your” when describing benefits.
  • Illustrate with case studies and testimonials.
  • Repeat core benefits – critical details bear repeating.

The reason someone buys is benefits so highlight them throughout.

Use Active Voice and Action-Oriented Language

Active voice drives urgency while passive voice drags.

  • Subject-verb-object sentence structure is more direct.
  • Opt for strong, exciting verbs related to action.
  • Avoid excessive use of “to be” helping verbs.
  • Cut nominalizations like “the calculation” and change to “calculate”.
  • Feature people doing things vs things being done.

Active voice catalyzes readers who relate to taking action.

Follow Logical Structure and Flow

Seamless flow between ideas enhances comprehension.

  • Organize content in natural order – chronology, process, cause & effect.
  • Summarize points already made before introducing new ones.
  • Use transition words – next, then, finally – to link ideas.
  • Keep related paragraphs together and subtopics distinct.
  • Open with the main proposition and develop supporting points.

A logical flow makes the complex simple, preventing confusion.

Balance Emotion and Logic

Facts convince but feeling persuades action.

  • Establish credibility early with stats, awards, testimonials.
  • Layer in emotional elements like imagery and storytelling.
  • Align emotion to audience values – status, freedom, family etc.
  • Reinforce emotional points with rational justification.
  • Test different ratios of logic and emotion for optimal results.

Blending head and heart grounds feelings in reason.

Include Relevant Data and Credibility Builders

Evidence strengthens persuasive arguments:

  • Incorporate stats, expert opinions, research findings.
  • Feature recognizable publication names, media and brands.
  • Cite reputable institutions like universities, non-profits, governments.
  • Quote influential thought leaders directly.
  • Share how many customers or years in business.
  • Note awards, patents, memberships, and certifications.

Dataoints make copy more believable and compelling.

Write Concisely Using Simple Language

Less is more – avoid fluffy, verbose copy:

  • Use short words with few syllables.
  • Keep sentences at around 10-20 words.
  • Pare down points to their essence.
  • Remove unnecessary adjectives and adverbs.
  • Break up dense paragraphs into shorter ones.

Economy of language focuses attention on key ideas and accelerates comprehension.

Following proven copywriting conventions will improve results as they are time-tested formulas for human behavior and responses. Master them through diligent practice and refinement.

Email Subject Line Best Practices

The subject line is often the make-or-break factor determining whether an email gets opened or deleted. Applying proven best practices greatly enhances open rates.

Limit Subject Length to Under 50 Characters

Long subject lines get cut off on mobile:

  • Shoot for between 40-50 characters maximum.
  • Convey the core benefit or purpose concisely.
  • Avoid trying to cram too much into limited space.
  • Use initial caps, not all caps – reads as shouting.
  • Spell check thoroughly – mistakes undermine professionalism.

Short, scannable subject lines display fully across devices.

Include Primary Keyword Where Possible

Keyword inclusion signals relevance:

  • Research related search queries prospects use.
  • Identify 1-2 main topic keywords.
  • Incorporate naturally in beginning if possible.
  • Don’t over-optimize – reads as spammy.
  • Variations can work well too like synonyms.

Keywords get emails into relevant search results and folders.

Create a Sense of Urgency or Curiosity

Provoking reactions compels opening:

  • Imply exclusivity of offer or discount with “24 hours only”.
  • Share newsworthy scoops from your industry.
  • Ask intriguing questions that beg an answer.
  • Offer time-sensitive free resources like guides.
  • Leverage “open now” type urgent cues sparingly.

Curiosity and fear of missing out are powerful motivators.

Focus on Relevance and Benefits

Share the value proposition:

  • Highlight the main recipient benefit upfront.
  • Establish credential and expertise early on.
  • Refer to recent interactions to demonstrate relevance.
  • Focus on what the reader gets over what you want.
  • Follow the “You, Need/Want, Get” framework.

A compelling benefit drives opens by matching needs.

Use Social Proof and Statistics

High open rates increase open rates:

  • Note satisfaction rates or customer totals.
  • Feature awards, media mentions and recognitions.
  • Quote survey or study data points.
  • Share how many others received the content.
  • Reference influencers and celebrities if relevant.

Social proof builds credibility and assurance.

Test Different Subject Line Options

A/B testing reveals the best variants:

  • Test at least 2-3 versions per campaign.
  • Tweak length, content, offers, formatting.
  • Change emotional triggers and logic used.
  • Leverage email list segments.
  • Watch open rates to identify winners.

Optimization through testing continually improves performance.

Elements of High-Converting Subject Lines

Certain key elements make subject lines shine:

Ensure Relevance

  • Mention subscriber name for personalization
  • Include company name, industry, specialty
  • Refer to previous interactions and purchases

Communicate Clear Value

  • Summarize key benefit explicitly
  • Share new product features or releases
  • Feature exciting content offer or exclusive deal

Create Intrigue, Urgency or Exclusivity

  • Limited time offers with countdown timer
  • Cliffhangers and incomplete stories
  • Odd combinations that spark curiosity
  • Behind-the-scenes scoops and insights

Use Numbers, Stats and Social Proof

  • Impressive metrics like money saved or time reduced
  • Ratings, testimonials and endorsement logos
  • New milestone or anniversary achieved
  • Limited remaining inventory or availability

Avoid Hyperbole and Overused Phrases

  • Skip sensationalist language that inflates claims
  • Ensure accuracy and truthfulness
  • Mix up conventional expressions for freshness

These elements blend to grab attention and get opened.

Common Subject Line Types and Examples

Different approaches suit different contexts:

Direct Subject Lines

Clearly state purpose for clarity:

  • “New product launch discounts”
  • “Q3 Sales Report Available”
  • “3 Tips to Improve Manufacturing Throughput”

Question-Based Subject Lines

Prompts reader curiosity:

  • “Bored of the same old salad recipes?”
  • “Is poor inventory forecasting hurting your bottom line?”
  • Looking for marketing strategies that convert?

List-Focused Subject Lines

Rapidly preview key details:

  • “5 Uncommon Tactics to Reduce Cart Abandonment”
  • “Top 7 Unknown Benefits of Resistance Training”
  • “4 Must-Have SEO Plugins for Your Ecommerce Site”

Time-Focused Subject Lines

Leverage urgency and scheduling:

  • “Last chance for 20% off – expires tonight!”
  • “Meeting tomorrow at 2pm EST”
  • “Quarterly Performance Review Reminder”

Benefit-Focused Subject Lines

Demonstrate direct user value:

  • “How to Save $500 This Holiday Season”
  • “Reduce Cloud Compute Costs by 10% or More”
  • “The Fastest Way to Master Excel”

Curious or Cryptic Subject Lines

Spark intrigue before explaining:

  • “The truck driver and the spaghetti sauce”
  • “When coffee costs $100 a cup”
  • “This changes everything…”

Testing different formats identifies what resonates best with each audience and situation. Subject line mastery is a process of continual refinement.

Tools and Tips for Writing Subject Lines

Beyond guidelines, leveraging the right tools and techniques can boost subject line performance. Let’s explore proven methods to write better subject lines.

Use Subject Line Analyzer Tools

Specialized tools provide objective feedback:

  • Subject Line Grader – Grades and analyzes subject lines based on factors like length, spam risk, emotionality.
  • CoSchedule Headline Analyzer – Scores subject line’s emotional impact and provides improvement tips.
  • Email Subject Line Tester – Previews subject line across devices and tests spam filter risks.
  • Social Message Optimizer – Compares different subject lines side-by-side for engagement.

These tools offer data-driven insights into optimizing subject lines beyond guesswork.

Maintain a Swipe File

Curate a library of high-performing subject lines:

  • Record subject lines from emails you open.
  • Save subject lines shared on blogs/forums.
  • Store by category like call-to-action, curiosity, urgent.
  • Replace brand/product names with [COMPANY] for templates.
  • Use these pre-validated subject lines as inspiration when writing new ones.

Having proven subject line examples speeds up drafting and iterating.

Conduct A/B Split Testing

Compare subject lines head-to-head:

  • Use email service provider testing tools or dedicated software.
  • Test one variation against the original subject line.
  • Ensure sufficient sample size for statistical significance.
  • Evaluate open rate lift, not just click-throughs.
  • Roll out winning variation; repeat testing with new challenger.

Direct response data informs optimal phrasing and emotional levers.

Personalize Dynamic Elements

Adding custom details boosts relevance:

  • Include subscriber first name.
  • Reference past purchases or interactions.
  • Feature their company name or industry.
  • Localize subject line components like city name.
  • Segment and customize based on demographics.

Personalized subject lines display higher open rates.

End with a Clear Call-to-Action

Clarity around desired response:

  • Use common actions like “Register”, “Download”, “Buy Now”.
  • Make the CTA prominent with punctuation, formatting.
  • Limit to one CTA – avoid goal confusion.
  • Match CTA to email content and desired conversion.

CTAs provide explicit direction to email recipients.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should a subject line be?

Ideally under 50 characters or 65-75 pixels wide. Extremely long subject lines risk getting cut off.

Where should keywords be placed?

At the start of the subject line if possible. The beginning has highest visibility.

How can I test multiple subject lines?

Using A/B split testing tools to directly compare open rates between variations. Evaluate over sufficient sample period.

Should emojis or characters like – * be used?

Use sparingly if at all. Overuse looks unprofessional. Test if they lift metrics.

How can I make boring topics interesting?

Brainstorm hooks related to curiosity, humor, exclusivity. Ask questions or incorporate intrigue.

Leveraging tools and best practices accelerates finding high-converting subject lines that capture attention and spark action. It’s a process of continual optimization.

Key Takeaways and Strategies

Let’s summarize the core lessons for writing high-converting body copy and email subject lines:

Recap of Best Practices

For body copy:

  • Know your audience – their hopes, fears, goals
  • Demonstrate relevance and benefits
  • Adopt a conversational, friendly tone
  • Share compelling facts and social proof
  • Structure content logically and clearly
  • Balance emotion with logic and data
  • Use simple, easily understandable language
    -Highlight calls-to-action prominently

For email subject lines:

  • Convey core benefit and value simply
  • Intrigue and provoke curiosity strategically
  • Leverage urgency and exclusivity cautiously
  • Incorporate social proof and statistics
  • Keep under 50 characters ideally
  • Personalize dynamically where possible
  • Ask questions and make emotional connections
  • Use power words that compel action

These fundamentals enable writing copy that converts.

Diligently A/B Test Subject Lines

Split testing subject line variants against each other informs optimum wording and framing. Be sure to:

  • Test one variation against the control at a time
  • Evaluate open rates as the key metric
  • Need sufficient sample size for statistical significance
  • Iterate based on results – double down on winners

Optimization through A/B testing is crucial for peak performance.

Monitor and Assess Performance Metrics

Track metrics like open rate, click-through rate, and unsubscribe rate to gauge subject line effectiveness:

  • Open rate of 15-25%+ is good depending on industry
  • Click-through rate of 2-5% is generally acceptable
  • Unsubscribe rate below 0.1% is ideal

Continuously assess metrics to identify issues and opportunities.

Optimize and Refine Over Time

Treat copywriting as an ongoing process, not a one-off task.

  • Review metrics to identify poor performers
  • Try new subject line formats and emotional hooks
  • Cycle winning promotions back into mix
  • Adjust cadence and batch size as needed
  • Follow trends and leverage seasonality/current events

Ongoing refinement and innovation boosts engagement over time.

Align Copy with Campaign Goals

Let program objectives guide copy direction.

  • Lead gen? Highlight discounts and gated offer value.
  • Webinar signups? Tease exclusive insights attendees get.
  • Nurture and education? Intrigue with insider tips.
  • Sales conversion? Share product benefits.

Matching copy to campaign goals ensures consistency.

Be Authentic and True to Brand Voice

Resonate through genuine personality and values.

  • Eschew hype – build trust with transparency
  • Share real insights VS overt selling
  • Infuse copy with brand voice – friendly, professional, humorous etc.
  • Help first before asking for something in return

Authenticity fosters meaningful relationships that convert.

Speak Directly to Your Audience

Truly understand your readers’ interests and environment.

  • Research their demographics, challenges, motivations
  • Use language and tone suited to their sensibilities
  • Address their needs and frame benefits accordingly
  • Feature recognizable details like brands they like

Relevance achieved through knowing your audience encourages engagement.

By applying these lessons, you can craft copy and subject lines that captivate audiences and compel action. Dedicate time to master this critical skill.

Key Takeaways:

  • Body copy and email subject lines are critical for capturing attention and driving conversions.
  • Effective body copy clearly communicates benefits, uses credible facts and data, follows logical structure, balances emotion with logic, and includes clear CTAs.
  • Do extensive audience research to ensure copy relevance. Highlight product USPs and benefits focused on the reader. Adopt a conversational, friendly tone suited to readers.
  • The main types of body copy each serve specific goals – factual, narrative, human interest, testimonial, humorous and institutional copy.
  • For email subject lines, identify primary keywords, provoke curiosity and urgency, focus on value proposition, and leverage social proof. Keep under 50 characters.
  • Subject lines must be relevant to the target audience. Communicate benefits, spark intrigue, and use power words that compel action.
  • Tools like headline analyzers and swipe files help create better subject lines. Personalize subject lines and always A/B test new versions.
  • Continuously monitor open rates, click-through rates and other metrics. Refine copy over time and align with campaign goals. Authenticity and knowing your audience are key.
  • With diligent testing and optimization, you can develop high-converting copy and subject lines that engage audiences and achieve results. Here are some common frequently asked questions about body copy and email subject lines:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ideal length for body copy?

The ideal length depends on the medium. Online content can be fairly long-form at 300-500 words or more. Print ads and digital banners require very concise copy under 150 words. Email body copy is typically 150-300 words.

How do you create a sense of urgency in copy?

Strategies like time-limited offers, scarce inventory claims, social proof tactics (“500 sold this week!”), and hype words like “now” and “today only” add urgency. But use them judiciously to avoid seeming overly salesy.

What percentage of copy should focus on benefits vs features?

Experts recommend focusing 80% on benefits and 20% on features. Leading with the meaningful payoff for readers makes copy more compelling.

How can I learn to write better copy?

Reading books by masters like David Ogilvy, studying high-performing copy examples, writing daily, taking courses, and diligent practice over time will sharpen skills. Get feedback from professional copywriters.

What makes an email subject line spammy?

Excessive capitalization, overuse of symbols (@#$%&), questionable punctuation (???!!!???), suspicious offers (free, make money fast), and inappropriate urgency are signs of spammy subject lines.

Should email subject lines be personalized?

Yes, personalization boosts open rates. Include first name, company name, past purchase data, demographics etc. But ensure it’s relevant and not just generic personalization.

What is a good email open rate?

Open rates vary by industry from 15-30% on average. Anything over 20% is considered decent. Strive for 25%+ open rate through continual optimization.

How often should I change up email subject lines?

For ongoing campaigns, test new subject lines every 2-3 sends once open rates plateau. Keep top performers in rotation while testing new variants.