Connecting with people on a deeper level is both an art and a science. While some people are naturally gifted at forging bonds, rapport-building is a learnable skill anyone can master.
The rewards of meaningful relationships built on mutual understanding and care are immense, both personally and professionally.
This comprehensive guide reveals actionable techniques to quickly establish rapport through the power of thoughtful questioning and conversation.
You’ll learn a toolkit of rapport-building best practices to transform how you interact with colleagues, clients, and acquaintances at work and beyond.
The ability to appreciate others on a profoundly human level is a mindset and skill worthy of lifetime cultivation.
Are you ready to enrich your world by uplifting those around you? Let’s get started!
What is Rapport and Why is it Important?
Rapport is defined as a close connection or relationship between people, characterized by mutual trust and empathy. In essence, rapport means having an open and harmonious rapport with someone else.
When you have strong rapport with someone, you feel comfortable with them. You can communicate openly without fear of judgment. There is a mutual understanding and you are able to be your authentic self.
Defining Rapport
Rapport is often described as “chemistry” between two people. It’s that feeling of being on the same wavelength and relating to each other. Rapport enables free and positive communication built on trust and understanding.
Some key characteristics of rapport include:
- Mutual trust and respect
- Active empathetic listening
- Positivity and enthusiasm
- Body language and nonverbal cues that indicate comfort
- Humor and laughter
Rapport is possible between friends, romantic partners, family members, colleagues, and client relationships. However, it must be consciously built through effort from both parties.
The Value of Building Rapport
Developing rapport should be a priority in many relationships. The benefits of strong rapport include:
- Increased trust and loyalty – With rapport, people are more willing to open up, be vulnerable, and support each other.
- More effective communication – Rapport facilitates open, bidirectional conversations. People feel safe to share thoughts and provide honest feedback.
- Enhanced collaboration – Rapport strengthens teamwork. People are more inclined to cooperate, offer assistance, and share resources.
- Improved customer relationships – Rapport with clients builds loyalty. They are more receptive to recommendations and interested in expanded services.
- Greater influence – People are more likely to listen to and comply with requests from someone they have rapport with.
- Higher likability – We tend to like people who we have built rapport with. Strong rapport boosts your reputation and charisma.
Clearly, taking the time to establish rapport with key stakeholders, team members, and customers is an investment that pays dividends across many facets of work and life.
How to Build Rapport Through Questioning
One of the most effective ways to build rapport is by asking the right questions. Thoughtful questioning shows that you are interested in the other person, makes them feel valued, and lays the groundwork for a trusting relationship.
Rapport-building questions differ from generic questions in a few key ways:
- Personalized – They are specific to the person, not generic questions that could apply to anyone. This shows you care about the details.
- Thought-provoking – They encourage deeper reflection and evoke substantive responses beyond one-word answers.
- Empathetic – They demonstrate understanding, validation, and care for the person’s experiences and perspective.
- Positive – Rapport questions focus on uplifting subjects that leave both parties feeling good after the interaction.
Rapport isn’t built through questions alone, you must also actively listen, have an authentic conversation, and express interest in what the other person says. Let’s explore rapport-building best practices later in this guide.
What is Active Listening?
Active listening is a key component of building rapport through questioning. It’s the practice of engaging fully with the speaker, understanding their message, and responding thoughtfully.
Some tips for active listening include:
- Give your full attention – Don’t multitask. Make eye contact and stop any distracting activities.
- Be present – Focus on the conversation, rather than thinking ahead to your response.
- Ask clarifying questions – If you’re unsure of something, ask follow-up questions to deepen your understanding.
- Paraphrase – Restate important points back to the speaker to confirm you understand.
- Avoid judgment – Don’t interrupt with counterpoints or negative judgments. Keep an open mind.
- Watch nonverbal cues – Note the speaker’s body language, tone, and emotions. Does it align with their words?
- Summarize – Recap the key takeaways after a lengthy input by the speaker.
Rapport is a two-way street built on mutual trust and understanding. Active listening demonstrates respect for the speaker and facilitates open, empathetic dialogue. Combine it with thoughtful questioning to establish strong rapport quickly and authentically.
In short, rapport is a meaningful connection characterized by comfort, trust, and mutual appreciation between two people. It enables free-flowing communication and stronger relationships. Developing rapport should be a priority with important stakeholders in your work and life. Thoughtful, personalized questioning and active listening are two powerful techniques for consciously building rapport.

Benefits of Building Rapport with Prospects
As a salesperson, building strong rapport with prospects is not just a nice bonus, but an essential skill for success. Developing meaningful connections with potential customers provides immense value throughout the sales process.
Let’s explore some of the major benefits of rapport in sales relationships:
Increased Trust
All buying decisions ultimately come down to trust. Prospects want to know the salesperson has their best interests in mind. Rapport signals that you genuinely care about helping the prospect solve their problems.
With rapport established, the prospect will feel comfortable opening up about sensitive company information, business challenges, and decision-making processes.
This transparency gives you invaluable insights to position your product or service as the ideal solution. The prospect also knows you won’t take advantage of this insider knowledge if they ultimately don’t make a purchase.
Better Communication
Rapport facilitates open, bi-directional communication. The prospect will likely share more details that indicate where they are in the buying journey.
You’ll also gather feedback on how they perceive your offering, uncovering potential misunderstandings or gaps between their needs and your solution.
This allows you to clarify and refine your messaging accordingly. The prospect will also feel at ease asking questions and voicing concerns.
Increased Likability
There is a universal human trait where we have the urge to help people we like. When the prospect feels a personal rapport with you, subconsciously they begin to like you.
This manifests in several ways. The prospect will give you more flexibility if mistakes happen or deadlines get missed. They’ll be more forgiving of any gaps in your product capabilities versus competitors.
The prospect will give your brand the benefit of the doubt and be inclined to keep the relationship going.
Higher Receptiveness
Thanks to mutual understanding and enhanced likability, the prospect will be far more open to your outreach and warmer to your messaging.
They’ll respond faster to calls and emails, because they recognize you and enjoy your communication style. This increases engagement across every touchpoint.
The prospect will attend demos excited to see your solution in action. Case studies will resonate more strongly. They’ll readily accept free trials and pilot projects.
Reduced Price Sensitivity
Commodity products are purchased primarily based on price. Rapport helps differentiate you from competing offerings.
The prospect values the relationship you’ve built and the trust you’ve earned. These intangible benefits make your solution more than just a product.
This establishes positive sentiment that outweighs minor cost differences versus alternatives. Many studies show buyers are willing to pay more to work with vendors they have rapport with.
Shortened Sales Cycles
The combined impact of the above rapport benefits ultimately leads to shorter sales cycles.
The prospect needs less time to research and make a decision because they already know and trust you. Trials progress quickly because they are eager to use your product.
There is no tire-kicking or comparison shopping around. Contract negotiations proceed smoothly. This results in faster deals, higher win rates, and accelerated revenue growth.
Referrals and Upsells
Satisfied customers who have rapport with your company will gladly provide referrals, which are highly valuable sales leads.
They will also be prime candidates for upsells, cross-sells, and add-ons that expand the business relationship.
This drives growth through acquiring new customers as well as earning more from existing ones.
Retention and Loyalty
Retaining customers is far easier and more cost effective than continually acquiring new ones. Here too, rapport pays dividends.
The personal relationship makes customers forgiving of occasional hiccups. They’ll give your team opportunities to address problems before considering switching vendors.
Rapport also fosters brand loyalty. Customers feel affiliated with your company’s mission and people. They are proud advocates who drive referrals.
Alignment with Buyer Trends
Studies reveal the modern buyer prioritizes relationships, trust, and communication over product features. Building rapport aligns perfectly with these preferences.
Buyers are skeptical of traditional sales tactics like scripted pitches, canned demos, and high-pressure closes. They crave authentic human connections instead.
Forward-looking sales leaders recognize this reality. They integrate rapport-building throughout the customer lifecycle, yielding higher profits and stronger retention.
Rapport fundamentally changes sales interactions from transactional exchanges to collaborative partnerships. Taking the time to foster meaningful connections will pay off exponentially for years to come through faster deals, increased lifetime value, referrals, loyalty, and brand advocacy.

4 Principles for Building Rapport
Developing strong rapport requires mastering a mix of verbal and nonverbal skills. However, at its core, rapport fundamentally depends on four key principles:
Empathy means understanding another person’s perspective and emotions. You make an earnest effort to put yourself in their shoes.
Displaying empathy when building rapport includes:
- Active listening – Give your full attention and concentrate on comprehending what the person says. Avoid interrupting or judging. Ask questions to deepen your understanding.
- Emotional recognition – Note changes in the person’s tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language. Reflect these observations back to validate their feelings.
- Paraphrasing – Restate the person’s key points and sentiments. This shows you have processed their input and grasped their meaning and emotions.
- Vulnerability – Open up about your own experiences. This encourages reciprocation. Share personal details, past challenges, lessons learned, etc. to find common ground.
Showing empathy fosters an environment where the other person feels heard, appreciated, and emotionally safe. This vulnerability builds trust and facilitates rapport.
Authenticity means showing your true self – your beliefs, personality, quirks, passions, sense of humor, communication style, etc. Avoid putting on a façade or molding yourself to try pleasing the other person.
Ways to demonstrate authenticity include:
- Speak naturally – Use your normal cadence, accent, figures of speech, etc. Don’t try to mimic the other person’s mannerisms.
- Share passions – Discuss topics and activities you genuinely enjoy. Your enthusiasm will shine through.
- Admit shortcomings – Reveal areas you’re working to improve about yourself. Nobody expects you to be perfect.
- Use humor – Crack jokes and banter playfully. Humor demonstrates comfort being your uncensored self.
- Maintain boundaries – Don’t overly compromise your principles or boundaries to win someone’s approval.
Authenticity fosters reciprocation where the other person also relaxes and acts like their genuine self. These true selves can connect freely.
We have an innate tendency to like and trust people who are similar to us in some way. Finding common ground is a path to quick rapport.
Areas where you might discover similarity include:
- Location – Hometowns, past travels, favorite vacation spots
- Culture – Religion, values, political views, causes
- Interests – Hobbies, sports teams, pop culture tastes
- Career – Training, employers, challenges, water cooler chats
- Networks – Friends, family, mentors, alumni groups
Don’t force it by faking interest in something you don’t genuinely care about. The similarities should feel natural, not manufactured.
Leverage points of commonality. Share related stories and experiences. This reinforces the sense that “we’re alike and we get each other.”
Shared Experiences
Beyond surface similarities, rapport also deepens through shared experiences – especially overcoming a challenge, accomplishing a goal, or collaborating on a project.
Reflect on experiences where you:
- Worked through a tricky problem or disagreement together
- Celebrated a mutual win
- Supported each other through adversity
- Created something great through teamwork
These shared journeys form emotional bonds even with relative strangers. Recalling moments of teamwork and friendship leads to warm rapport.
Looking ahead, you can intentionally engineer experiences to accelerate rapport building, like:
- Volunteering together for a cause
- Working as partners on a project
- Attending live events such as conferences and concerts
- Participating in a recreational hobby or sport
Jointly immersing in an activity bonds people together via the shared experience.
In summary, applying these 4 principles builds strong rapport across any relationship:
Empathy – Truly understand the other person’s perspective
Authenticity – Be your genuine self
Similarity – Identify common ground
Shared experiences – Bond through overcoming challenges and achieving success
With empathy, you demonstrate compassion. Authenticity earns you trust. Similarity creates kinship. With shared experiences, you forge profound connections.
Master these principles, and rapport will blossom, strengthening every relationship in your work and life.

Examples of Great Rapport Building Questions
Asking the right rapport building questions is both an art and a science. The questions should create a bridge between you and the other person, establishing comfort and building a positive relationship.
Let’s explore some examples of great rapport questions to kickstart engaging conversations.
Icebreaker Questions
Icebreaker questions ease you into a conversation gently. They open the doors to further dialogue once initial common ground is established. Icebreakers should be lighthearted, positive, and accessible to answer for most people.
Location-Based Questions
Where someone lives says a lot about them, from their interests and lifestyle to career opportunities and community values. Location builds natural talking points.
- “What brings you to [city/state]?” – Learn why they choose to settle where they did. Was it jobs, family, climate, activities? Their motivations reveal what they prioritize.
- “What’s your commute like?” – Commuting is a necessary evil for most. Bond over tales of transit woes and highlights. Maybe you ride the same subway line!
- “What’s something most people don’t realize about [city/state]?” – This gives them a chance to share local insider knowledge and set the record straight on misconceptions.
- “If I had the opportunity to pass through your state/city, what would be your top recommendations?” – Let them play hometown tour guide. The attractions and cuisine they suggest indicate their interests and what they value about the area.
- “Is it true what they say about living in [city/state]?” – Each location has stereotypes, some more accurate than others. This lets you jokingly reference the cliches.
- “Since you live in [city/state], do you go to [local attraction] all the time?” – Assuming everyone does the big touristy things in their hometown is a funny stereotype. But they’ll enjoy setting you straight.
- “I have such good memories of [city/state]. I visited when I was [X years old] and absolutely loved [destination/feature]. What do you think about [destination/feature]?” – Shared enthusiasm for a location you both know creates an instant bonding moment.
Job and Career Questions
Work is a major life focus for most adults. Discussing careers reveals motivations, accomplishments, interests, and skills.
- “Where were you before you started at [current company]?” – Knowing their work history provides context on their current role and career path. Look for common past employers.
- “Do you go to [industry event]? Why/why not?” Attending major industry conferences says a lot about someone’s professional involvement and networking priorities. Compare experiences at various events.
- “What was your experience at [former company] like?” – Look for overlaps in people you know or impressions of that employer’s culture.
- “You tweeted about going to [conference] — have you been before? I’m debating whether or not to go, and I’d love to hear your thoughts.” – Conferences can be hit or miss. Get their insider perspective on the event and what value they got out of it.
- “I noticed you have your [certification]. What was the process of getting that like?” – Professional certifications show dedication and knowledge. Share tips and congratulate their achievement.
Interest and Hobby Questions
Personal interests reveal an individual’s passions, knowledge, and creativity outside of work. Hobbies build multilevel connections.
- “I noticed on LinkedIn you help out with [organization]. How’d you get started with that?” – Voluntary participation in causes demonstrates care for community. Discuss what motivates their involvement.
- “I saw on Twitter that you’re a massive [sport] fan. Are you looking forward to [related event]?” – Most sports fans relish any chance to discuss and debate their beloved teams!
- “While I was preparing for our conversation, I noticed you follow [influencer] on LinkedIn. What did you think of their ideas on [topic]?” – Thought leaders often provoke strong reactions. Compare perspectives on industry commentators.
- **”I saw you follow [influencer] on Twitter. I do, too. Did you see what they wrote the other day about [topic]?” **- Fellow fans of an author or pundit share the camaraderie of getting the inside jokes.
- “I saw on LinkedIn you attended [college]. My [niece/son/grandchild/family friend] was thinking of applying. What was your experience like?” – College alumni typically have strong attachments to their alma mater. Trade school stories.
In nutshell, icebreaker questions like these get conversations started on an upbeat note. They identify common ground to build the foundations of a rapport-rich relationship.
Deeper Rapport Building Questions
Once initial rapport is established, you can dive deeper with questions that reveal more substantial insights into a person’s experiences, values, goals and problem-solving abilities.
Problem-Solving Questions
Understanding how someone approaches difficult situations tells you a lot about their critical thinking, creativity and perseverance.
- “What is the most challenging problem you are dealing with in your business/department right now?” – This builds empathy by allowing them to vent about current struggles. You may be able to provide guidance.
- “Is there any way I can help you with [insert problem]?” – Explicit offers of help make people feel supported. Even if declined, the gesture demonstrates sincere interest in their welfare.
- “What’s the most challenging problem you’ve encountered recently, and how did you handle it?” – Look for unconventional approaches and creative solutions they devised. This reveals adaptability.
- “Can you share a situation where you had to think outside the box to solve a problem?” – Original thinking and innovation indicate passion and skill. Non-standard problems often yield unexpected lessons.
- “Have you ever been in a situation where conventional solutions didn’t work, and you had to get creative?” – When backs are against the wall, ingenuity emerges. Understand how they persevered through adversity.
- “How do you typically handle complex problems that arise in your line of work?” – Learn their step-by-step problem-solving process. Look for areas of alignment with your own methods.
Goal-Oriented Questions
Goals direct focus and inspire action. Understanding motivations provides insight on passions and ambition.
- “What do you hope to accomplish?” – Listen for both professional and personal goals. Helping others achieve goals creates lasting rapport.
- “Imagine all of your problems were solved—what would you do?” – Dream scenarios reveal unfiltered aspirations and values. Visualizing ideal futures promotes optimism.
- “What are your top professional goals for the coming year, and how can I support you in achieving them?” – Offering help towards concrete goals demonstrates genuine commitment to their growth and success.
Value-Based Questions
Core values shape behaviors, priorities and decision-making. Understanding someone’s values provides a window into their character.
- “What’s the top piece of advice you’d give to your younger self?” – Reflecting on past difficulties with the wisdom of hindsight often yields profound life lessons. Look for overlap with your own learnings to bond over.
- “What is the best Netflix show you’ve enjoyed recently?” – TV and movie tastes reveal preferences for plot, characters, genres and more. Compare favorites and recommendation lists.
- “What values drive your decision-making in both your personal and professional life?” – Discovering shared values early on establishes common ground critical for any relationship.
- “How do you ensure that your business practices align with your ethical values?” – Ethics can be challenging to uphold. Discuss best practices for principled leadership when facing difficult choices.
Deeper rapport questions utilize vulnerability and self-reflection to facilitate more substantive conversations that forge profound understanding and trust between people.
Follow-Up and Clarifying Questions
Follow-up and clarifying questions build on the conversation to signal active listening, summarize key insights, and deepen understanding.
Reflective Questions
Reflective questions validate emotions and provide thoughtful comparisons to previous experiences.
- “How does this compare to your last [job, product, service…]?” – Compare and contrast to a similar previous situation. Differences and similarities both provide context.
- “How are you feeling about this?” – Emotional check-ins demonstrate empathy. Listen and validate their sentiments to show you care.
Recapping Questions
Recaps reiterate major points and facts to confirm your interpretation is accurate.
- “I read your blog post on . What do you think about _?” – Referencing their own content flatters them and kickstarts deeper discussion on those viewpoints.
- “I saw you tweeted about [author/book name]. I’m looking for a new read, should I try [author/book name]?” – Book recommendations reveal personal tastes and areas of interest. Asking for advice is flattering.
Summary Questions
Summaries elegantly distill key insights from the conversation so far.
- “Most people don’t know I do XYZ. Tell me one thing most people don’t know about you.” – This elicits a thoughtful self-reflection likely not top-of-mind. You both disclose something personal.
- “What are three biggest issues you’re having right now?” – Summarizing challenges focuses the conversation on finding solutions collaboratively.
Follow-up questions strengthen connections by demonstrating the conversation sticks with you long after. The rapport deepens as you continue engaging over multiple interactions.

How to Ask Rapport-Building Questions
While having great rapport-building questions is crucial, how you ask those questions also greatly impacts your effectiveness at connecting with people. Here are some key strategies for asking rapport questions skillfully:
Set the Right Tone
Your tone of voice conveys just as much meaning as the words themselves when building connections. Be sure your tone aligns with your rapport-building intentions.
Some tips for an appropriate tone include:
- Sound friendly, relaxed, and conversational. This puts the other person at ease.
- Speak slowly and clearly. Rushing through questions sounds impatient.
- Use vocal variety, inflection, and pauses to sound genuine. Monotone delivery seems disinterested.
- Convey warmth through enthusiasm, humor, and positive language. This draws others in.
Matching your vocal tone to the interpersonal nature of rapport questions prevents coming across as aggressive or robotic.
Do Your Research
Just like warming up before exercise, some preparation work is prudent before important conversations. Taking time to research the person or company you’ll be meeting with provides helpful context and facilitates more meaningful dialogue.
Some techniques for doing research include:
- Review their LinkedIn profile and biography to learn about their background, expertise, career path, education, skills, etc.
- Google their name to find any articles, interviews, or projects associated with them. This reveals achievements, perspectives, and recent events.
- Check social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) for interests, affiliations, passions and personality traits.
- Search for company insights like recent news, initiatives, thought leaders, pain points, and competitors.
- Identify any mutual connections who could provide introductions or insights pre-call.
Of course, avoid prying into inappropriate personal details. Focus research on information the person has made public themselves or authorized others to share.
Arriving well-informed allows you to craft tailored questions demonstrating genuine interest in who they are and what matters to them.
Listen Actively
Active listening is the secret sauce that makes your rapport-building questions truly impactful. Give your full concentration on comprehending their responses without distraction or judgment.
Some tips for active listening include:
- Maintain eye contact to show engagement.
- Eliminate distractions like phone notifications.
- Don’t interrupt. Let them fully express themselves.
- Observe nonverbal cues like facial expressions, gestures, and tone.
- Paraphrase back key points to confirm your understanding.
- Ask follow up questions to learn more and show you’re listening.
- Avoid rebutting. Validate their perspective and experiences.
Showing you’re fully attentive to what someone says makes them feel truly heard and appreciated. This fosters the mutual understanding at the heart of rapport.
Use Natural Transitions
Move fluidly between rapport questions, weaving them neatly into the conversation rather than reading them verbatim off a list.
Some examples of natural transitions:
- “That reminds me, where did you grow up?”
- “Interesting point. On a lighter note, what do you enjoy doing for fun outside of work?”
- “Thank you for sharing that story. If you don’t mind me asking, what would your ideal next career move be?”
Smooth segues prevent disjointed small talk and maintain conversational flow.
Take Notes
Taking notes during important conversations focuses your attention while capturing key details for later review.
Jot down:
- Specific facts like names, dates, places, titles, and numbers mentioned.
- Key themes and problems discussed.
- Follow up items like questions to revisit and resources to send.
- Quotes and terminology you want to revisit.
- Nonverbal observations about body language and emotions.
Thorough notes allow you to refer back to prior discussions and demonstrate you were listening attentively. Following up on what you captured strengthens ongoing rapport.
Make it a Conversation
Rapport building is not an interview where you robotically read question after question. The magic happens when your questions start an engaging, bidirectional conversation.
Some tips:
- Share your own experiences, views, and stories, not just probing them.
- React to what they say with affirmations, laughs, relevant comments, and follow up questions.
- Watch for cues that they have more to say about a topic and give them space to continue.
- Allow some informal banter and humor to develop naturally.
- Pivot the conversation fluidly based on your real-time interaction, rather than sticking rigidly to a preplanned script.
An authentic free-flowing conversation creates a human connection far more powerful than a formal Q&A.
Watch Body Language and Tone
Your nonverbal communication impacts the signals you send, regardless of the words spoken. Ensure your body language and tone reinforce your rapport-building intentions.
Some tips:
- Maintain open, relaxed posture. Avoid crossed arms and hunched shoulders.
- Establish appropriate eye contact without staring intensely.
- Smile and nod to affirm what is said.
- Mirror the other person’s speech pace and pauses.
- Modulate your voice tone to convey warmth and enthusiasm.
- Ask gentle, sincere questions free of interrogation or judgment.
Aligning your nonverbals creates a welcoming environment where your curiosity comes across as friendly, not intrusive.
Adapt Questions Situationally
Every person and context is unique. Adapt your questions accordingly rather than sticking rigidly to a script.
Consider factors like:
- The setting – at a party vs. one-on-one meeting
- Your existing relationship – new acquaintance vs. long-time client
- Their personality and background based on research
- The stage of the conversation – icebreakers vs. deeper questions
- Time available – short small talk or lengthy deep dive
Reading the room and selecting appropriate questions is an art that builds rapport.
Be Authentic and Engaged
For rapport to blossom, conversations must be grounded in genuine interest and care for the other person. Avoid going through the motions with a robotic checklist of questions.
Some tips for authenticity:
- Select questions you’re sincerely curious to know the answers to.
- Share openly about yourself when appropriate. Vulnerability builds trust.
- Express real reactions and emotions in your facial expressions and tone of voice.
- If they open up about a challenge, offer heartfelt encouragement or guidance if you can.
- Follow up on previous conversations showing you care long after the initial meeting.
When rapport building is not transactional but a human connection you earnestly nurture, the relationship will flourish.
Tell a Story
Stories bring conversations to life in a memorable way cold facts cannot. Peppering in some narrative stories makes you more engaging and helps build rapport.
Some tips for effective storytelling:
- Set up the context so they understand the stakes and setting.
- Build up chronologically with meaningful details but don’t meander.
- Share the sequence of events while making clear the significance.
- Describe the mental and emotional experience of those involved.
- Explain key lessons, takeaways or insights you took from this story.
- Invite their reactions, opinions, and related stories.
Stories create vivid mental images and powerful resonance. Use stories thoughtfully to add color to your rapport-building interactions.
Follow Up Naturally
Rapport develops over time, not instantly. Follow up on conversations organically to reinforce connections.
You might say:
- “I enjoyed our conversation the other day about [topic] – it inspired me to [take related action/learn more/read book etc.]”
- “Thanks again for the recommendation on [restaurant/book/event]. I checked it out and really enjoyed it!”
- “I wanted to get your take on [concept related to prior discussion] – what are your thoughts?”
Look for opportunities to reference previous interactions and continue the dialogue.
Mastering rapport comes down to genuinely caring about people. Enter each conversation with the intention of appreciating that person’s humanity. The rest will follow.

Building Long-Term Rapport
Rapport is not a one-and-done accomplishment, but rather an ongoing process of nurturing relationships over time. Here are some best practices for cementing rapport that lasts well beyond your initial interactions:
Follow Up on Previous Conversations
Make a habit of circling back to prior conversations to demonstrate you were paying close attention and the other person stuck with you.
Some effective follow-up techniques include:
- Referencing a topic they mentioned and asking for an update. For example, “Last time we chatted you had just returned from a conference in Miami. What were some of your biggest takeaways?”
- Sharing an article or other resource related to something they expressed interest in. You might email “I remember you were looking into yoga retreats. Here’s a great article with reviews of some top destinations!”
- Recapping key points and asking clarifying questions. “Last time we spoke, you mentioned possibly opening a West Coast office location. I wanted to learn more about your expansion plans in that region.”
- Following up on suggestions or concerns voiced previously. “I took your advice and switched to a standing desk. My back pain has improved already – thank you for the great recommendation!”
- Providing updates on promises or next steps discussed last time. For example, “Wanted to let you know I was able to connect with my colleague Sarah about possibly attending your industry event.”
Thoughtful follow-ups show the other person that conversations linger in your mind long after you’ve parted ways. This genuine interest and commitment cements rapport.
Look for Shared Interests and Experiences
As we discussed earlier, finding common ground builds an affinity between two people. Continuously look for emerging shared interests and experiences as you get to know someone.
For example, you may discover:
- You both recently took up tennis and can trade tips.
- You both have kids around the same age you can swap parenting advice with.
- You both volunteer with the same charitable organization.
- You share a passion for Italian cuisine and can recommend restaurants.
- You both have chronic back pain issues and can discuss treatment options.
Bring up these serendipitous intersections organically to strengthen your evolving rapport.
You can also intentionally engineer shared experiences to accelerate relationship-building, like:
- Attending industry conferences, local events, or recreational activities together
- Working together on a project at work or in the community
- Following through on referrals to each others’ networks
- Introducing each other to friends, colleagues, or family members
Shared experiences are rapport-building accelerants that create “inside jokes” and memorable bonding moments.
Provide Value Without Expectations
Think of rapport as a bank account. You make ongoing deposits by providing value to the other person without expectation of immediate returns.
This can take many forms, such as:
- Sending a relevant article, book, or other resource you think they’ll benefit from based on prior conversations.
- Making introductions to contacts that can help them with networking or expertise sharing.
- Volunteering advice and coaching on challenges they’re facing.
- Expressing encouragement and celebrating wins they share with you.
The key is avoiding tit-for-tat exchanges and giving value freely. Paradoxically, this builds immense goodwill and trust that pays dividends down the road.
Be on the lookout for opportunities large and small to pay it forward and support the other person’s success.
Invest Time Over Multiple Interactions
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is rapport. It develops slowly across many meaningful interactions over time.
Some guidelines include:
- Start conversations based on your research into the person’s interests and background. Look for commonalities.
- Focus initial questions on learning who the person is – their passions, personality, and principles.
- In later interactions, aim for authenticity – be your genuine self and encourage them to as well.
- Share some vulnerabilities and personal details about your life beyond work to build trust through openness.
- Once you’ve established a foundation of trust, ask deeper questions and have more substantive discussions.
- Nurture the relationship consistently through regular contact, follow-ups, and demonstrating you care.
Like any garden, rapport requires nurturing across the seasons to bear fruit. Prioritize playing the long game, not just short-term transactions.
Strong rapport starts with sincere interest in the humanity of another person. When you focus on understanding and uplifting others for the long haul, meaningful relationships will blossom.
Conclusion and Key Takeaways
Developing strong rapport is a learnable skill that pays immense dividends across your professional and personal relationships.
Let’s recap some key lessons on mastering rapport-building:
Define rapport as a mutually trusting connection beyond small talk. Rapport enables vulnerable, bi-directional dialogue based on compassion.
Research the person beforehand. Arriving informed shows care and allows you to craft thoughtful personalized questions.
Lead with icebreaker questions on lighter topics like location, interests, and culture fit. Find common ground to put them at ease.
Ask follow-up questions to validate emotions and summarize key insights from the conversation. This strengthens connections.
Go deeper with questions on problem-solving, goals, and values to understand motivations and character.
Listen actively. Give your full focus on comprehending their perspective without judgement.
Match your tone and body language to signal warmth, care, and authentic interest.
Keep it a two-way dialogue, not an interview. Share your own experiences and perspectives too.
Follow-up consistently on prior conversations to show the relationship sticks with you. Look for emerging commonalities over time.
Provide value freely by sending relevant resources, advice, and encouragement without expecting immediate reciprocity.
Develop rapport across multiple interactions. Like any garden, relationships require nurturing to bear fruit.
With practice, rapport-building transitions from a mechanical skill to an authentic mindset. You relate to colleagues, clients, and acquaintances on a profoundly human level.
So seek out opportunities to practice rapport-building – the rewards are limitless. What new levels of mutual understanding and care could you achieve by authentically connecting with the people in your work and life? The possibilities are exciting.
Go forward and build rapport fearlessly. You have everything to gain.